looking for advice


New member
So my msi gtx760 died this morning after 2 years, I've already contacted msi and can send it back
As it is still in warranty, however I want to take this opportunity to upgrade my card
I hve been considering msi gtx960 or gtx970 but theres 100 difference in price is the 970 worth that
I do play a variety of games but mainly just world of warcraft, cpu i7 4770k ram 8gb patriot
I've always gone for the mid range x60 cards previously however this timei have a bit extra to play with which is why I was looking at 970 as that does get excellent reviews and has more vram

another question when I did a search on cards a lot of people are recomending the amd r390 any idea why apart from the 8gb vram it has
I've always gone for the mid range x60 cards previously however this timei have a bit extra to play with which is why I was looking at 970 as that does get excellent reviews and has more vram

another question when I did a search on cards a lot of people are recomending the amd r390 any idea why apart from the 8gb vram it has

It's a very good value. Same price or lower(in the US at least) than most 970's. Performance is pretty close, I'd say it's largely game dependent on which is faster, and both OC pretty well. Add in another 5GB of vram for the 390 and it makes it a pretty convincing argument to get a 390 over a 970- same performance, OCs well, more vram. So if you ever tried to use either companies tech to increase the resolution of games then downscale it back to the native resolution of your monitor it has more vram to spare if the game requires it. If not, well GTA V loves VRAM so that's something to think about if you play that game too.
AS a R290x owner myself and having used the scaling software I can say that it scales well in WOW (I quit WOW in may after 4 years of playing I had just had enough of the politics) you won't be dissapointed with the R9390 I did own a strix 970 but I sent it back due to the Vram lies but they are still a good card. If you do go down the 390 route my advice would be to buy Sapphire as they only make AMD cards and my Vapor X never fails to dissapoint me I hope this helps you :)
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cheers for that, the reason i look at msi cards is because you get a boost if you also use an msi mainboard which i have

another question pops up i only have a corsair cx600 psu is that going to be enough for something like a r9 390 i know it will be fine for the 960 or 970
cheers for that, the reason i look at msi cards is because you get a boost if you also use an msi mainboard which i have

another question pops up i only have a corsair cx600 psu is that going to be enough for something like a r9 390 i know it will be fine for the 960 or 970

I don't know where you heard about a boost matey if you have the same brand motherboard and gpu it's something I have never heard of and i'm sure the msi rep here would be able to say whether that is true or complete BS. As for your psu I have a 750w superflower powering mine the recommended requirements for the R9390 are 600W or greater so you should get away with that. good luck with whatever you choose though and welcome to the forums :)
cheers tolemac the link below is direct from msi

VGA Boost
MSI VGA Boost is one of MSI's exclusive ways to support gamers to fully engage in their virtual world.

VGA Boost increases the power limitations for MSI GAMING graphics cards when inserted in an MSI GAMING motherboard. It simply upgrades your Power Tuning and current limits allowing your graphics to boost to higher clock speeds when your gaming graphics get more intense and sustain maximum performance for a longer time.

This is all supported because of the power design for the PCI Express slots and the build quality of MSI Graphics cards. Now, matching MSI gaming hardware not only gives your game PC some fiery red dragon looks, your PC gaming experience will benefit from a safe and powerful boost in graphics.
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Ok cheers for that info most of use use msi afterburner anyway to overclock our cards although I quite like Sapphire Trixx as it works well with my card dont be fooled by that boost feature it will only give you a very mild overclock and not do the card any justice it's just a gimmick tbh (sorry Mr Rawz) ;)
yeah i know but my nephew lives near aria and is coming over this afternoon hmm the email i got says £242
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Good luck with what you choose matey just out of interest which realm do you play on in world of warcraft I played a mage on Defias Brotherhood same name as my username here :)
I hope you enjoy the card you must get a Naga if you play wow I have both the Anansi and naga they have served me very well :)
960 is crap you really should have gone for something proper dude.

The 390 is the best buy right now.
i was going to get the 970 or r9 390 however with my mouse dying it cut the amount of money i could use on the graphics card
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