legacy bios motherboards and uefi graphics cards


New member
Dear Read,

This is my system:

Core i7 970 (planning on overclocking this one to 4 GHz)
MSI X58 pro-e (newest bios)
12 Gigs of ram
300 WD velociraptor (planning on upgrading to SSD with windows 10)
GTX 480

I want to upgrade my graphics card to something newer, maybe a GTX 960 or 970.
But these cards use a uefi bios and I am wondering if my system would actually boot after upgrading to one of those cards. In other words are uefi graphics cards compatible with legacy bios motherboards?

I did some googling but most x58 motherboards and the compatibility with these newer graphics cards. Most of the ones that are compatible had bios support up until 2013 and where manufactured by EVGA. The latest bios update MSI released for my motherboard was in 2011.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

Thanks in advance.
Where did you get the impression a 900 series wouldn't work without a uefi bios, uefi is motherboards only, graphics cards don't care about such things and will display regardless of what bios the motherboard has.

The compatibility list of motherboards for video cards is always something i found ironic, yeah the x58 barely has had any pcie 3.0 support, if at all but that wont stop them video cards from working correctly, and even on pcie 2.0 a 970 isn't fast enough to saturate the whole bandwidth.
Your new GPU will work fine, I have never heard of anyone that has had an issue with that.

It is a shame that hardware makers always word things so badly, as it really makes new or non up-to-date users difficulty.
Where did you get the impression a 900 series wouldn't work without a uefi bios, uefi is motherboards only, graphics cards don't care about such things and will display regardless of what bios the motherboard has.

I though there would be a compatibility issue based on the idea bios is really different from uefi.

Do you have any experience yourself with a x58 motherboard and GTX 970?
I though there would be a compatibility issue based on the idea bios is really different from uefi.

Do you have any experience yourself with a x58 motherboard and GTX 970?

No but it does not matter really, yeah gpu's have their own bios but its unrelated to motherboards, Ive put a 770 on a x58 and it works fine though, and those cards were released when uefi was pretty much the standard bios for new stuff.