Is this a PSU problem??


New member
So for the past month or so my PC has had a few issues with drivers and such..

But now when i boot up my pc it is completely black screened I cant do anything apart in normal mode (Can in safe mode though). I looked into it in event viewer and i got this message

Critical Kernel-Power, Event ID 41, Task 63

What should I do is it definitely the PSU or could it be other issues??

Appreciate any help :confused:
Would be great if you could list your complete specifications in the OP :)

Though since you are fine in safe mode, perhaps try isolating the components where possible, and perhaps if you have the spare parts available substitute the components in your current PC with verified working ones, that way it would be easier to check.

Have you tried a fresh OS install with all the most current verified stable drivers for your components? As there is a slim possibility it could help, seeing as how safe mode is fine.

Another thing you could do is inspect all the cables and connectors to see if any are loose, damage etc etc. Lots of other things you could try before going out to purchase another PSU. Whether you will have the patience and equipment for the tests is a different story
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I can tell you his full specs,
Gigabyte 970-UD3 Board
r9 290 Sapphire Tri-X
TP link wifi card
1tb WD blue
8gb kingston Beast (1866MHz I think)

James, I can give it a look over if you want or test some parts for you but I'd suggest trying what Newbie already said because the PSU is only a small possibility out of the many that can cause this error. It could be anything from drivers to a bit if fluff in the wrong place.
Just to double check your system doesn't get to the os, unless it is in safe mode ?

How many sticks of ram does it have, if 2 take one out, does it still have the fault, change it for the other one, result of that ?

If other lad has a known working stick, put that in.

If that board has onboard gpu, take the 290 out, what result does that give ?

With you saying its been playing up for a while, it could indicate a piece of hardware starting to fail, in my case it was one of the 4 sticks of ram in my machine, i just went through testing and swapping parts until it was resolved.

I hope you sort it. :)