Ina quandry


New member
Currently running on 980 SLI

Im seriously thinking about going single card, selling up and just getting a 980ti. I run a rog swift i understand 980 sli is better for frame rates but im sick of all the issues and headaches that come with SLI. Stutter, driver support, frame time inconsistancy, loss of features like MFAA and DSR to name but a few.

Anyone else thinking along these lines, do you think i should just go ahead and do it?

Thanks for all opinions....
I'm not that into SLI and CF, but since from what I've heard etc regarding them... that's why I've always stuck with single graphics card. To eliminate those issues.

And I always try to go as top tier of a single card I can get, in this case the 980Ti, due to being just a single card. And an Titan X is just too expensive, specially when the 980Ti is just slightly behind or on par :)

Upgrading from an BenQ 24" 1080p 60Hz monitor to a ASUS ROG Swift myself :)