How to fix some of those GTA V PC Errors


News Guru
Rockstar has outlined a few solutions and workarounds for some of the errors and problems that some players are facing.


Read more on GTA V's PC issues and fixes here.
Anyone running into Crossfire VRam issues? (I have the latest Beta drive)

The game detects Crossfire VRam as both cards combined.

It would appear that the game makes use of more VRam if it's available. So it sees 6GB so it tries to use it. If I disable Crossfire it runs on the same settings but within the VRam limit of the card.

It's running well enough on the single card on max settings but I'm sure it would be smoother with both cards.

(Pair of 7970, 1080p, Win8.1, System spec in the sig)
Anyone running into Crossfire VRam issues? (I have the latest Beta drive)

The game detects Crossfire VRam as both cards combined.

It would appear that the game makes use of more VRam if it's available. So it sees 6GB so it tries to use it. If I disable Crossfire it runs on the same settings but within the VRam limit of the card.

It's running well enough on the single card on max settings but I'm sure it would be smoother with both cards.

(Pair of 7970, 1080p, Win8.1, System spec in the sig)

Yeah I have run into this issue mate, it's boggle my head a bit how it's happened to be honest
Anyone running into Crossfire VRam issues? (I have the latest Beta drive)

The game detects Crossfire VRam as both cards combined.

It would appear that the game makes use of more VRam if it's available. So it sees 6GB so it tries to use it. If I disable Crossfire it runs on the same settings but within the VRam limit of the card.

It's running well enough on the single card on max settings but I'm sure it would be smoother with both cards.

(Pair of 7970, 1080p, Win8.1, System spec in the sig)

According to Matt this game apparently scales almost perfectly over four cards so you really shouldn't be having issues.

Then again it's a R* game so hey, problems should have been expected.

Not got mine yet hopefully tomorrow but I'm running a pair of Titan Blacks so no doubt I'll report back with my findings. The game tells you how much VRAM you're using too, apparently.
According to Matt this game apparently scales almost perfectly over four cards so you really shouldn't be having issues.

Then again it's a R* game so hey, problems should have been expected.

Not got mine yet hopefully tomorrow but I'm running a pair of Titan Blacks so no doubt I'll report back with my findings. The game tells you how much VRAM you're using too, apparently.

Isnt right though lol
Hi if anyone is having issues like random freeze and then crash i suggest the folling nvidia control panel settings...

Drivers 350.12 WHQL Windows 8.1 64bits

Manage 3D settings:

Ambien Occlusion ... Off
Anisotropic Application controlled
Antialiasing FXAA Off
Ant Gamma correction Off
Ant mode ...application controlled
Ant aliasing transparency off
CUDA all
DSR off
Maximun pre-rendered frames ...3d app controlled
Multi display .... Multi display performance mode
Power managment ... adaptative
Shader cache ... On
Texture filterring - anisotropic optimization .... off
Text Negative lod bias ... clamp
Texture filtering ... Quality
Texture filtering trilinear optimization
Threated optimization
Tripple buffering ... Off
Vertical sync ... use 3d app settings
Virtual Reality prerendered frames ... 4

Heres comes what make me to play stable for hours not minutes...
Configure Surround / PhysX
Select : CPU

Dont select Auto ... GPU gave me more time but way less than
CPU doing the PhysX 9.15 version

I hope that helps
Game settings all ultra AMD CHS for me more estable than Nvidia PCSS
Advance Graphics ... all off

Quadcore Q6600 2.80 Nvidia 660GTX 2GB Ram Bios Modded from 993Mhz to 1215 Mhz 22% OC
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