How do I get my posts approved?

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New member
I've been trying to post in the 'GPU' and 'CPU' forum for about the last week or so, but none of my posts have gotten approved thus far.

Also, sorry if this doesn't fit here, but I have no idea where else to post it.
I am not sure if it is still in place but there used to be a block on posts until you reached a certain number but I think if you can post in the small chit chat area to build your post count a little you might then be ok.

If you have a question ask it here and if needed I will post on your behalf :)
Okay, so I tried copy pasting my post that I originally made in the CPU section, but it tells me it needs to be approved.

Maybe it's because that post includes a link?
With your post level being what it is and you are new, posts containing links, images or videos must first be approved by a Mod.
Yes, only there doesn't seem to be anyone around who actually bothers approving posts.

Not when you have that attitude, no.
And spamming the same thing 4 times doesn't help with approval either, especially when you have no other posts than that linking to a different forum.

But I am on my phone now, I will approve the thread once I am on my pc
Not when you have that attitude, no.
And spamming the same thing 4 times doesn't help with approval either, especially when you have no other posts than that linking to a different forum.

I have been trying to get that message across for around a week now, I tried various sections, and then retried after I made an introduction thread.
Surely it can't be too much to ask to not have to wait a week for a single post to go through?

Also, I wasn't actually aware it didn't let me post because of my link, it seemed to me like you were straight up not allowed to post in any of the hardware related subs until you got a certain post count--in a hardware forum of all things!

What if someone came here with a question about, let's say, his waterpump failing and including a video with the noise of it? Or if, regardless of the reason, his question required a link to somewhere else? Would he have to wait a week until his post gets approved?
Does thread approval have a higher priority than post approval? If not, making newcomers wait a week until their threads can be seen isn't very good practice.
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Dude, relax, sit back and wait for it like the rest of us... you do have to remember that the mods do also have a private life, a life outside these forums.
Did you try contacting a mod before you made duplicate threads in an attempt to get one through? The mods on this site work hard and do what they can. From experience, they get back to you very quickly. There is no need to be rude or condescending.
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I have been trying to get that message across for around a week now, I tried various sections, and then retried after I made an introduction thread.
Surely it can't be too much to ask to not have to wait a week for a single post to go through?

Also, I wasn't actually aware it didn't let me post because of my link, it seemed to me like you were straight up not allowed to post in any of the hardware related subs until you got a certain post count--in a hardware forum of all things!

What if someone came here with a question about, let's say, his waterpump failing and including a video with the noise of it? Or if, regardless of the reason, his question required a link to somewhere else? Would he have to wait a week until his post gets approved?
Does thread approval have a higher priority than post approval? If not, making newcomers wait a week until their threads can be seen isn't very good practice.


I offered to help as I have been a member of this site for almost 10 years (in November) and have seen a lot of people register on the site and then spam the life out of it with links to other forums etc.

You will find that all the mods will go out of their way to help you when they are online and if not then forum members (like me) generally try and help out.

I understand your frustration hence why I suggested building your post count (obviously without links) by answering in other sections and just been one of the gang. I hope that once a mod has looked at your post it gets approved and you get the answer you were looking for but I still think the rules in place are worth it and there for a reason.

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Yes, only there doesn't seem to be anyone around who actually bothers approving posts.
You also have to take into consideration that it is the weekend and we have i55 (Insomnia Festival) going on too. I'm not a mod so I have no idea what their load is or how it works all I can say is be patient with them and they will get around to it.
Did you try contacting a mod before you made duplicate threads in an attempt to get one through? The mods on this site work hard and do what they can. From experience, they get back to you very quickly. There is no need to be rude or condescending.

Yes, after seeing that my first post was not getting approved I sent a message to TTL, as he was the only one online at the time.

Anyway, let's lay this to rest.
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