Half Life 3: Unannounced


News Guru
Half Life 3 Remains unannounced, but a short fan film explored something that we have never thought of before. What has Gordon Freeman been doing this whole time. Now I want Half life 3 for Gordon's sake, not just mine.


Read more on Half Life 3: Unannounced here.
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The longer they wait the more hype that builds up.. they haven't given any info on HL3 and yet fans keep roaring more and more. Mine as well wait and build the game in secret for a few years. It would allow them to build the best game they could and not have to worry about Early Access/Alpha players spoiling it.
Valve have messed up, the hype is all but non-existent apart from these rare and depressing titbits.

Here's a simile for you - Half Life 3 is like a vessel of boiling water, only the Valve is broken, the Steam is all released with no vapour[ware] to be seen, and the pressure to deliver something monufuckingmental only continues to build.

Valve, what are you waiting for?
Valve have messed up, the hype is all but non-existent apart from these rare and depressing (fan-made) titbits.

Here's a simile for you - Half Life 3 is like a vessel of boiling water, only the Valve is broken, the Steam is all released with no vapour[ware] to be seen, and the pressure to deliver something monufuckingmental only continues to build.

Valve, what are you waiting for?


Fixed the post for you too. We get nothing from Valve.
Over 10 years, I'd love to sit the heads of Valve down and just ask them "Why can't you even just say we're not making it or yes we are making it ?" It royally pisses me off that they never answer any question and always dodge around it, Bunch of douchebags.