H440 case cooling


New member

I have a complete pc build with H440 NZXT case. The issue I am experiencing is that the GPU (980 ti HOF) is reaching fairly high temperatures arround 75 degrees celcius. When I remove the front case panel with the filter and leave the front fans exposed the temperature drops arround 8-9 degrees! This clearly indicates that the case is becoming too hot due to inadecuate airflow.

So I am thinking of

1. placing 3x NF F120 static pressure intake fans in front replacing the stock ones. This will allow more power in front to overtake the front thick case panel.

2. Place the stock 120mm fans on top as exhausts and also leave the stock exhaust 140mm fan on the back of tha case as is.

Do you think this is a good move? Would this keep the temperatures down?

Should I also replace the back 140mm exhaust fan with a better Corsair AF140?

I am only using air cooling in my build. I have a dark rock pro 3 cooler for the CPU.

A better, cheaper, quieter alternative would be to simply buy one relatively slow spinning fan and mount it close to the GPU something like this, I just used cable ties it made a pretty big difference for me with just a single fan as exhaust it dropped temps 15c@30% GPU fan speed (EVGA GTX 980 ACX) an additional exhaust fan help allot too however for me in the Define R5 it makes it noisier than I wanted so I just stuck with the single exhaust. Also replacing the stock fans will have severe diminishing returns really not worth the cost IMO.


Heres mine forgive the quality


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To be honest 75 degrees isn't bad for an air cooled card. The way most of the new ones work is that the fans don't do much until it gets to about 70 then ramp up to keep it under 85ish. Can't speak for the HOF cards but it's well within it's limits.

H440 is a quiet case and the airflow is slightly more restricted as a consequence. Still it's a great case. I wouldn't worry too much about spending all that money replacing fans. If you have a spare you could put it in the roof as extraction.

If it's a really hot day - pop the lid or the front panel off.
Based on that, are static pressure funs going to improve a bit the airflow ? I really like this case.

They will help but as has been mentioned 75c isn't exactly hot more than acceptable, replacing all the fans just isn't worth the cost an extra exhaust fan or fan placed closer to the GPU running at low RPM's will be immensely more effective an also allot cheaper, I know its tempting to buy fans and put them everywhere ( I did this myself with my first build) but the improvements just aren't there to justify the price and hassle, I'm not sure where you live but 60-75$ in fans for a few °c (You wont see the same benefits as completely removing the front panel and its restrictions unless you run some obscenely loud, fast fans) when a better result could be had for 20$ it just doesn't make sense.
Adding airflow will make it louder.

The KFA2 is never going to break and temp records but it is well below the 80-85c the ref ones run at (they mix cooling with quietness)

So tbh Id just put it out of your head before you ruin a nice rig with loads of fans.