GTX970SLI vs. GTX980


New member
Dear All,
I'm looking for some help.
I'm going to order my new computer, the main reason is that I want to get more into video editing, audio etc. I will be using a Black Magic Design Television studio and video editing software. I don't do Games, doesn't mean I just want a black box...
I've been searching for an answer on my question; what better to get, 2 cards GTX970 in SLI or one GTX980? Keeping in mind that I don't game and I will do some resizing of 4K video. I'm looking at the Asus deluxe X99, 5280X, 32GB DDR4. Do I want a better CPU, yes, sure, but the prices are high, so either the 5820 or if not, all the way for the Octocore, any suggestions? Thanks in advance :-)
You either go the 5960X or the 5820k in your case, the only reason being the two extra cores + cache.

I know that Premiere Pro has support for multiple GPU's and it will improve export times immensely. Also with openGL becoming more popular you may want to look into AMD cards.

I've experienced dual card setups with the likes of 3DS Max. In the settings you can use each card to render a separate tile without enabling SLI.

But honestly you need to put in the research time and learn the software you're going to be using.

- what cards it supports (premieres MPE etc)
- Multi GPU support
- OpenGL/Cuda
Well a decent 980 is £450-500 and 2 970s come to about £500 but can be up to 50% faster.

I've been considering the same problem. The general adage that getting the best single card you can afford is generally sound but if you are happy living with the occasional issue then I'd say go for it if you know that it will work with the software you'll be using.
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