GTX 980Ti Drivers


Active member
Hey guys,

So I just picked up a 980Ti yesterday and I have heard things about the drivers for it not being the best... so now I'm wondering, for those who are a bit more into this than I am (looking at you Dice ;))... what drivers are the best ones to get for the card at the moment?...

For games it's not that big of a deal, since the only real game I play is Battlefield 3.

But thinking of in genereal, as seen issues on here with Google Chrome, which I use daily.

Thank you,
Well the latest one are stable for my 980ti's so I'd say it should be alright. Im on win 7 ult x64. No chrome crashes etc atm.

One thing I do note though is that my previous stable OC profiles arent stable anymore o-o
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Kinda hoping youve got 3 1440p screens if you play BF3 on a 980 Ti :p

Haha, if only I were like you Tom ^_^ ... but no, as of the moment a single 60Hz 1080p monitor and an equal one as a side monitor.

Soon getting my ROG Swift up paired with the 980Ti :)

Well the latest one are stable for my 980ti's so I'd say it should be alright. Im on win 7 ult x64. No chrome crashes etc atm.

One thing I do note though is that my previous stable OC profiles arent stable anymore o-o

Ahh okay, well I don't OC at all so that won't really affect me... and will it be any difference if I'm on Win 8.1 x64?...
No worries, enjoy the 980ti hopefully you do well in the lottery :D bought 8 of them before I finally had 3 I was happy with, then had to sell the other 5 on eBay :lol:
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Apologies for double posts here... but I installed the driver off Nvidia, the "Geforce Experience" for my new EVGA GTX 980Ti and that installed all fine. Then onto the "Game Ready Driver" thingy, installed that and then it got stuck in the very end on "Installing PhysX Drivers" and it was stuck for probably a good 20 min, just saying that... The pictures/news that are randomly flashing through were going all fine.

So then I used task manager to shut it down and restart the PC to try again, but then it says that I have the latest drivers and that they are active.

My question is this, from my experience it shouldn't have done that... it should've just installed flawlessly. So now I'm wondering shall I do anything else?... like delete the driver/Geforce Experience, restart PC and try to install again or just leave it as it is?...

Thoughts, tips, help etc are highly welcome and appreciated here!

Apologies for double posts here... but I installed the driver off Nvidia, the "Geforce Experience" for my new EVGA GTX 980Ti and that installed all fine. Then onto the "Game Ready Driver" thingy, installed that and then it got stuck in the very end on "Installing PhysX Drivers" and it was stuck for probably a good 20 min, just saying that... The pictures/news that are randomly flashing through were going all fine.

So then I used task manager to shut it down and restart the PC to try again, but then it says that I have the latest drivers and that they are active.

My question is this, from my experience it shouldn't have done that... it should've just installed flawlessly. So now I'm wondering shall I do anything else?... like delete the driver/Geforce Experience, restart PC and try to install again or just leave it as it is?...

Thoughts, tips, help etc are highly welcome and appreciated here!


If it installed the driver and then moved onto Physx but got stuck, Uninstall the Physx driver and re-install it seperately to be on the safe side.

Latest Physx driver here -
Just ask on here :)

Fair enough... well, I tried the logo mod, but failed. Like it's the worst modding attempt in the history of mankind. I'm wondering if there's any way or place to get hold of an extra led logo?...

As I only have one left, which is the original from my 980Ti and I'm not really comfortable modding it yet, due to want to wait in case something happens and I need to take advantage of RMA stuff. Which won't be legit if that thing is modded.

Will post in my build log soon, so you can see the horrifying modding attempt that I did ^_^

And my question is... IF there is a way to get one, could you or perhaps someone else take on the task of modding it?. Seeing you've already done it once in one of your PCs.
As due to my first and last attempt, I'm very unsure about myself doing it once again lmao.
Fair enough... well, I tried the logo mod, but failed. Like it's the worst modding attempt in the history of mankind. I'm wondering if there's any way or place to get hold of an extra led logo?...

As I only have one left, which is the original from my 980Ti and I'm not really comfortable modding it yet, due to want to wait in case something happens and I need to take advantage of RMA stuff. Which won't be legit if that thing is modded.

Will post in my build log soon, so you can see the horrifying modding attempt that I did ^_^

And my question is... IF there is a way to get one, could you or perhaps someone else take on the task of modding it?. Seeing you've already done it once in one of your PCs.
As due to my first and last attempt, I'm very unsure about myself doing it once again lmao.

You'd have to buy another shroud with the LED in it but yes I'd be more than happy to help with modding as long as you live within Europe ^_^