GPU fans spin and leds light up but no display


New member
Bit of a strange problem here. I installed another 8gb of ram yesterday, slotted right in no problems. But as soon as I turned my PC back on only the 2 monitors connected to my iGPU powered on and not the one connected to my main gpu. Went through a load of blue screens, cleared cmos, set timings manually the lot. Eventually sorted that but my GPU still won't display anything?

Specs are

msi z68a gd55
16gb kingston ram
MSI 7870 hawk
corsair RM650

GPU isn't detected in device manager but the fans are spinning and leds are on. It normally spins 100% at startup then settles down but its just constantly spinning slowly now.

I've tried it in another pc and it's fine. Tried a basic gt220 in my pc and that worked fine. Only other thing I can think of is my PSU?

Sorry for it being a bit long winded but im stumped here.....
Exactly... I don't see how adding more ram has caused it as everything was perfect before :L

EDIT: Just tried my old antec 650w and it still wouldn't detect my GPU. I'm a bit stuck as to what this is now? Is it worth trying to find a new mobo, which i daresay will be hard to find a z68 or z77 now I think about it. :(
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