Golden fx 8350?


New member

I've seen some people hit 5Ghz with this prosessor and it might not be so special.
However, I was able to hit 5Ghz with 1,428V and was suprised to find that it was stable through a 2 hour Prime95 run (and a 1 hour run before posting this to make sure that it really was stable).

Before trying 5Ghz which I'm running now, I managed to hit 4,8Ghz with 1,38V.
I will probably not push the voltage up anymore as I hit 69C CPU and 59C on package (HWMonitor) with my CM Nepton 280L :D.



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2 hours worth of testing doesn't mean it's stable, needs to be done for at least 8-12 hours
If that's golden then god knows what my 8320 is. I got 5.3ghz and 4.9 fully stable (IE five runs of Realbench stable)

Most AMD 8s will do 5ghz of sorts now because they're binning for Centurions.
Very good.
I have an FX 8300 which is the cheapest 8core FX you can buy, that it's also pretty good :
4.8ghz with 1.424v, max 5.1ghz Cinebench.