General Thanks To OC3D!


New member
So I joined OC3D exactly a year ago on the 5th of November, 2013. Since then, I've learned a whole lot, probably more than I have from anywhere else. I figured it would be in order to thank everybody: Tom, SuB, the moderator team, and, of course, all of the forum members. Like most of you guys, I spend a bunch of time on here and I'm really grateful for the conversations, debates, and even arguments I've had the pleasure of having on here.

There's no community like this one and I hope it only grows and improves over time. I certainly won't be leaving for a while yet ;)

Thanks to the great OC3D!
Glad you're enjoying your stay here. I'm not as active as I used to be, but I still very much enjoy reading the forums and keeping up to date with the news/reviews.

We have a nice tight knit group of people here and hopefully it stays that way for the foreseeable future :)
And thank you too dude, it's very true that this is the best community & forums on the web.
As Yass says we've got a great community here! Great group of regulars and everyone is polite and helpful to newcomers.

One big thing for me also is that toxic people get moved on very quickly
Grats to the 1-year anniversary, and thank you for being helpful and nice to people. Seeing these things just makes me glad :)
You've only been here for a year :eek: man I still keep thinking i'm new. I guess I don't post much for how much rubbish I talk ^_^

Best forum on the Web bar non haha, I thought I had been here as long as you just checked an I have been here a bit longer haha
Just like yassarikhan786 i am not the most active member anymore. I barely ever post in help threads because the issues are all the same, lost interest in overclocking and waterloops because undervolted matx AIO cooled rigs are just much neater and new hardware isn't all that interesting either because it's mostly small improvements and i don't need the performance. I really like the off topic discussions the most lately.
But i guess that's normal for me, there are few things i don't lose interest in. Doesn't mean i'm completely quitting either, PCs will always be a part of my life, just maybe not the center for now.
I'm very glad you have been enjoying yourself here. Thank you for being such a great member of this forum, I can barely believe you have only been here for a year, wow.
Glad you feel that way as it's a sentiment that I share also, these are the most family like forums anywhere on the interwebs
Gonna say, this is by far my favorite forum, i dont spend as much time on my pc as i'd like but im always floating around and the guys here are super helpful regardless of the topic of discussion!
Always nice to hear people are happy :)

You're welcome from my point of view lads. You make this community what it is though, so don't forget that. I'm just here to facilitate Tom's website-whims(ey). I remember joining back in the sysxtreme days and this place has come so, so far since then.

Always a nice place to come back to.
this forum has been great i know what ya mean, and only a year,,, wow i thought it was longer than that.
I agree we have some great people here and the knowledge base is absolutely awesome!
Esp with the news sections and general local stuff on top of the awesome stuff TTL throws out, well moderated too :)