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killablade, this is ofcourse all a matter of opinion. I myself am not a big fan of COD series but the game deserves credit where it's due. Killcams make no sense to me, laggy and no dedicated servers = nono...
I gave my MW2 away for free, was and still am good at it, better than 90% of the players online in public games. Still, bein good doesn't make it fun for me.
I understand why people like it and say it's addictive. Reason I don't like it is because I played Wolfenstein since 2002/2003 until 2006 constant every day. COD was bein born about that time and was a good game. MW isn't very good imo.
I gave my MW2 away for free, was and still am good at it, better than 90% of the players online in public games. Still, bein good doesn't make it fun for me.
I understand why people like it and say it's addictive. Reason I don't like it is because I played Wolfenstein since 2002/2003 until 2006 constant every day. COD was bein born about that time and was a good game. MW isn't very good imo.