Galax GTX 980 HOF Suggestion


New member
Galax, formerly Galaxy just announced their 900 series HOF series cards and they look absolutely stunning! I would love to see Tom review this beast, as it's the fastest out of the box clocked 980 right now with a 1418mhz boost clock.

Now before anyone says "You can't tell Tom what to do" "This is Toms Channel not yours"
This forum section is called Suggestions for a reason. I am fully aware that Tom can review whatever he damn pleases and is extremely busy. Im also aware that he HATES white PCB's luckily the pcb on this card is fully hidden behind a backplate. And if he's still not interested because he still knows the white pcb is there then so be it. This is simply a review suggestion plain and simple, and I would LOVE to see Tom OC the snot out of this thing and hear his thoughts on it.

So Tom if you feel inclined to want to review this then here is their Marketing Manager Andrew's contact email -




Ive emailed them dude - I dont think Ive ever dealt with these guys direct so I guess we will see what happens :)
Ive emailed them dude - I dont think Ive ever dealt with these guys direct so I guess we will see what happens :)

Awesome, Hopefully you'll be able to get your hands on a review sample! :D

I'm going to be popping in two of these beasts into my x99 system as soon as I can -
They realise it's spelt Hoth right? That white planet where it all kicked off in Empire?
They realise it's spelt Hoth right? That white planet where it all kicked off in Empire?

Haha, if they re-named it to that, I would buy it in a heart-beat :D

On a side note, hoth is awesome; best map of Star Wars: Battlefront II if anyone played that
Ive emailed them dude - I dont think Ive ever dealt with these guys direct so I guess we will see what happens :)

Hey Tom,

I just got an pm from Galax's marketing manager and according to him he has not received anything about an inquiry on getting a review sample.

Again his contact email is -

Heres a screenshot as proof -
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Needs moar white! :lol: This is one Fugly card. Overkill with the white, plain and simple. I'm still bemused as to why anyone would put a white PCB gpu onto a black PCB motherboard... it's just aesthetically wrong.

Well, this one's got a decent backplate. And honestly it wouldn't look bad in a build like mine at all:


Nope i'd buy it cause its a lovely GPU! :D you can build an all white PC and using a black motherboard to give some contrast,depends on how you use it
Looks like someones Rubbed a Zotac and a Gigabyte GPU together and left the white mess on. Too much white, then again it'd be refreshing to actually paint something black for once.