from AMD to the sky....lake


New member
Hi guys thanks for taking a moment to look into this for me.

I'm wanting to do a clean black and white build with blue highlights (fans and cpu cooler) so have put something together on scan that I want to build.

I am not interested in overclocking this at all but am needing liquid cooling as I live in flats and it gets to a toasty 30c+ when other flats have their heating on.

I want the m2 for speed while editing and utilizing capture and streaming software.

This is what I have put together in scan -

I am going to be re-painting/colouring some parts as I want a unique custom build.

I have filled this out so anybody wanting some extra info can have it.

• Where are you located? UK
• What is your budget? 1350
• Will you need a monitor, keyboard, and/or mouse included in that budget? nope
• Shall you be requiring an OS? windows 10 64bit
• What will you be using this rig for? gaming,streaming,recording and editing
• If gaming, what resolution will you be playing at? 1440p
• Will you be overclocking? no
• Do you need a full build or will you be reusing some old parts? full from scratch

Is there anything I have missed or should swap out?

thanks in advance guys

That's a fantastic build tbh. I don't really see any areas that need changing or anything. For GPU I was about to recommend the MSI Twin Armor since it's black and white but for some reason there's no backplate on it... so yeah, stick with the EVGA Superclocked since it's straight black and still a darn good GPU especially for the price. :)
thanks buddy

The joys of parenthood unfortunately means I can only really get the cpu mobo and gpu this month but have turned it into a 3 month project and will be building this over time :D

thanks buddy

The joys of parenthood unfortunately means I can only really get the cpu mobo and gpu this month but have turned it into a 3 month project and will be building this over time :D

You're welcome!

Ah fair enough, such is real life. Congrats on the kid though! I got married a few months ago and probably in 2017 when my wife can come to Canada (damn you average 17 month processing times for immigration) we will probably be trying to have our first child. You are where I wanna be by 2017. :)
If you're streaming you'll do better to look at the i7 instead as streaming programs prefer more cpu cores.