Corsair Vengeance C70 and front fans


New member
Howdy guys,

Having a bit of an issue, rookie mistake I know, but when I got the case I looked and saw you could mount the fans at the front, however I bought some corsair AF120 performance fans but the screws that come with them do not fit in the front fan holes on the C70, the holes are too small.

How would I be able to solve this issue and attach the fans without vibration?

Use the screws that came with the case. Or get yourself some of those little rubber fan mount things, they are great.

The long thin ones that came with the case are too thin to attach to the rubberish type holes on the AF120s.

I'm basically going to have to drill the holes a little larger.

These little chaps are great, you don't need to worry about hole size or vibration and you can pick them up basically everywhere, even maplins. Better than drilling the case IMO, drilling thin sheet steel is grim.

How do those work? They look a little long the AF120 screws are fairly short.

They are just rubber, the big part sticks in the case and the two tapered cones pull through each side of the fan and then I cut the end off so they are nice and flat.

I have ordered some rubber screws, I just hope they work good, otherwise it's no issue, I can drill the holes a little larger and use some rubber grommets I also purchased.