Corsair 750D airflow vs 760T


New member
Hi peeps, I have the 750D sitting unused in a box here. Originally I wanted to go for the 760T because, common; it's a fantastic case which should provide ample room between a top mounted H105 with a single set of push fans and the the CPU power cable header on the Asus M8H board (this is imperative).

The only reason I last minute opted for the 750D is that I think that running a top mounted AIO in the 760T with the lit on top on seriously restricts air flow. But does it really?

Leaving the lit of is a possibility but would require getting a dust filter. Plus, the lit looks fantastic!!

I can still exchange the case if I send it back come Saturday. I loved Tom's review on the 760T!
Personally I think the 750D is much better looking. But I did say personally, so if it's coming down to looks alone then choose whichever one makes you happy :)
The advantage the 760T has is also that it's a tad shorter meaning I don't have to saw in my desk to accomodate the PSU power cord ha ha! I do like the 760T better also, and it's a bit more study case, whereas the 750D's panels are a bit more flimsy imo. Anyway, just now I did find that the top lid of 760T needs to be off to use the top as an exhaust for AIO - big let-down but I can either raise the lid a fair amount or simply put a dust filter on there. Demi-something makes kits. Then I'd have a similar looking top but the better looking case imo.
You're supposed to take the lid off otherwise there is no airflow at all IIRC. If you really want to keep the lid on and still want the 760T just mount the radiator in the front.
You have to take the top off if you want airflow. You cant leave it on at all without modding standoff's

Yeah just found some pics of peeps having made all sorts of things, some look good, others don't. Oh just found your video about the custom case. You indeed mention the lid there, and getting it an inch up; did that get the job done? Would be great to see a pic how you modded it.

Dust filters are futile, just keep whichever one you prefer the look of, love it and clean it.


I have to disagree and say dust filters do work, you just have to regularly clean them. The holes on top of the 760T are quite large in diameter, and living in a dusty house (it's clean lol, just a dusty building) won't do much good - however whenever the system is off I could just pop the lid back on of course.

Edit: I'm wondering if the fans in the videos are the Corsair Air Series AF140 LED Quiet Edition High Airflow 140 mm, or the regular non quiet editions? At some point I will replace the red LED front fans.
People keep saying take the lid of you could just put little rubber standoffs to make it sit higher like 30 mm or somthin that way the lid is on but still lets airflow go through use some static preasure fans to draw the air through easier :)
So far I'm loving the 760T, very easy to build in too. Mine looks kinda boring after having seen Tom's mods lol that Strix case looks fantastic!

Is there a trick to stop the side panels from collecting dust hazes? I know it's because of the plastic that came on them and it just takes a while, but it looks awful.