Boot up problems

Black Magic

New member
This problem has been going on for a while, no matter I do, nothing seems to work. When I first turn my computer on, it gets past the AsRock splash screen, then the next screen that pops up is " please select proper boot device blah blah blah press any key"

I press reset & then it boots into windows normally.

these are the screens in my BIOS up faced with....


The screenshot above is when I first boot up the computer after it being shut down for some time, & I know its not going straight into windows


The screen shot above is after ive pushed the reset button & gone into the BIOS.

MKNSSD is my O/S which is a 120GiG Chronos

Things ive done:

  • Change the BIOS Battery for a brand new one
  • Change the SATA cable for a brand new one
  • Changed the SATA port the drive is located in
  • Look at it puzzled :confused:
  • Updated BIOS in case that was effecting it
Im stuck totally.....

I go into BIOS & this si what I see, my Chronos not in the top of the list

I then proceed into HDD BBS properties & its No. 3 in the list.....

Changing it to #1 exiting & saving makes no difference. itll still exhibit the same problem some time later.

Windows 7, ALL drivers updated Including the SSD, cards, Windows .NET etc etc....

im all ears at this point
1) Without AHCI mode (U R using IDE), SSD can't work at full speed (change that BEFORE installing OS).
2) If U installed OS without switching off other drives, it is possible, U won't be able to boot SSD OS without them.
3) Why U try to boot from Samsung HDD when U said it Yourself, that OS is on Mushkin SSD ?
Basicly : In BBS Priorities "boot Option #1", replace "Samsung HD..." with "MKNSSDCR120...".
And before "save&exit", check if it's in first place on "boot option prioties" list.
That should "fix" boot problem.
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Like said above, change the SSD mode from IDE to AHCI, but instead of changing the boot order, just unplug the SATA cable from the other drives, and leave only the Mushkin plugged in. Then once your into Windows, switch it off, then plug them back in, that should give the Mushkin priority, make sure you have the boot drive plugged into one of the chipset SATA ports and not the Marvel one ( usually there is 2 different colours the one with the most in one colour will be the ones you need, if thy're one colour they will be the top 4 or 6 ports ) If your not sure, tick the box in the bios to boot from " SATA 3 Marvel bootable " You just won't get the full Sata 3 6gbs.
1) Without AHCI mode (U R using IDE), SSD can't work at full speed (change that BEFORE installing OS).
2) If U installed OS without switching off other drives, it is possible, U won't be able to boot SSD OS without them.
3) Why U try to boot from Samsung HDD when U said it Yourself, that OS is on Mushkin SSD ?
Basicly : In BBS Priorities "boot Option #1", replace "Samsung HD..." with "MKNSSDCR120...".
And before "save&exit", check if it's in first place on "boot option prioties" list.
That should "fix" boot problem.

1) ok, that's handy to know. I'll change that in a second....
3)I don't boot from Samsung, it keeps switching on its own accord

I do check it before I save & exit, it does end up at No.1 BUT its NOT saving what I tell it. that's the problem ive got.

ill report back see what happens from the advice given ;)
this is a nightmare :eek:

ok, at first I changed the mode to AHCI

Both MArvel SATA to AHCI, computer didn't like that, so I changed the Marvel back to IDE, but on both occasions, booting into windows I got this...


so off I go & Unplug all SATA cables & go to reboot & check disk. This pops up....



So keeping ALL SATA cables bar the SSD unplugged I start with the mushkin SSD checking it can be seen & making sure its priority


Then 1 by 1 start plugging in my other SATA cables, as soon as I plug in the OCZ SSD, the mushkin disappears & BIOS cant see it. unplug it.

Plug in my 1TB Samsung HDD, again, mushkin dissppears....
So I plug in the Samsung HDD into one of the marvels, & the Mushkin can be seen, hooray!

Start plugging in the DVD writer into the marvel, Mushkin still there. Plug in the Blu-ray player Sata cable, Mushkin disappears, im like WTF man....

So I unplug that, Mushkin has dissppeared, unplug ALL satacables EXCEPT the Mushkin & BIOS CANNOT see it.

Once again, come out of BIOS, reset button, it re-appears.

WHAT is going on here??
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Have you even tried installing Windows yet ? If not Unplug everything except for the Mushkin, make sure your set to AHCI,instal Windows, and then go from there.
ok, ill need a windows CD, as ive lost mine.

im a bit confused paul by you saying installing windows? Ive not personally no, it was done at a PC store few years back. Yes I have windows 7, & its how im talking to you right now.

if you mean re-install, then, no I haven't. Im not favouring the losing all my stuff option, though, I can see this eventually is what im going to have to do.....
As the guys have said you need to set ACHI mode before installing Windows on the SSD. Changing it after makes things go Blue (Screen of Death).

Your new SSD will have come blank and setting it as the first drive will have given you the behaviour you saw at first - there's nothing on the SSD to load.

First you need to repair your original installation by setting it the way it was, IDE mode but that might not be so straightforward. If that goes well you can take an image of your existing Windows and put it on the SSD (after unplugging all other drives and setting ACHI mode). However that's not a clean installation and when I did it a while ago the system ran very slow (HDD disk image to SSD ). A clean installation is always preferred.
this is all really confusing, you gave borderline no info.

your original screen shows ocz solid 3 ssd? so you have 1tb samsung hdd +ocz solid 3(by the looks not boot for god knows what reason) and you got new cheap-o sdd to throw in there as well.

am I right assuming you have os on your samsung and got new ssd and now you're trying to boot from clean ssd?

did you actually use any migration software to move the boot over to new ssd?

disable marvel chip and don't use those 2 sata ports to get past bsod.

Where is your os installed on? if on samsung hdd, migrate it to ssd assuming you can fit it, otherwise partition the useless junk off and leave os on its own and move that.
OCZ is a poor 60gig SSD, and was fast running out of space on windows alone. The Samsung 1TB HDD is basically storage media, like vids/music, & the Mushkin 120GiG i bought as an upgrade SSD to fit windows 7 on, & ita where my OS IS on. Windows & booting was fine till about a year ago, but i never installed windows, it was done at a PC shop. So telling asking me about AHCI mode, seems clear that that wasnt done when windows got reinstalled on it. As for migration software, icouldnt say. I didnt handle that part of it.
The OCZ is just used as spare gaming space. I hope thata cleared up some confusion...

Its all new to me, so dont expect me to know everuthing that you guys take for granted. Ive gor to start somewhere, & just to clear things up more, this is my existing build, not my new one!!
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Fix Boot Up Problems

I'm not sure whether it can help you or not, maybe you can have a try.
Perform a Clean Boot to see if there is any software conflict as clean boot helps to eliminate

software conflicts.

Clean Boot

1. Click Start, type "MSCONFIG" (without the quotations) in the Search Bar and Press

"Enter" to start the System Configuration Utility.
2. Click the "Services" tab, check the "Hide All Microsoft Services" box and click

"Disable All" (if it is not gray).
3. Click the "Startup" tab, click "Disable All" and click "OK".
4. Restart the computer and test the issue.

Note: Clean Boot is a troubleshooting step. If some programs have been disabled, we can
re-enable them later. If you see the System Configuration Utility, check the box of

"Don't show this message" and then click "OK".
Please monitor the system in the Clean Boot environment. If the problem does not occur,

it indicates that the problem is related to one application or service we have disabled.

You may use the MSCONFIG tool again to re-enable the disabled item one by one to

find out the culprit.

Hope it helps!:p
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I've had issues like this in the past, the solution was a simple one, but it seems stupid as to why it works to fix it.

Go into bios and setup the drive boot order you want, then save and exit.

Next hammer the F12 or F8 button to bring up the Boot up selection screen, select the Mushkin drive and boot up from it, once windows has booted, shut-down your computer.

Now try booting it without pressing nothing, and for some weird reason it should work.

Now as to why it is doing it...

You have IDE selected as the sata mode, this sees the SSD drives, and mechanical drives, and because you have set it as IDE, it will automatically want to boot from the mechanical drives as the BIOS is programmed to use AHCI to boot from and use the SSD drives by default.

Once you have sorted out the AHCI mode in the BIOS and in Windows, it should behave from there on in.

Now for the good news....

You can change the Windows on the SSD to use AHCI without a clean install.

Download and run the FIXIT program from Microsoft while still in IDE mode, once you have done this, then shutdown your PC, and once you restart it, you will need to change IDE mode to AHCI in the BIOS before proceeding to boot into windows.