Battlefield Hardline is showing off it's new toys


News Guru
Battlefield Hardline is showing off it's new toys and simply put it has a lot more than BF4. Player deployable zip lines and grappling hooks anyone?


Read more on Battlefield Hardline's new Toys here.
I'm done with Battlefield.. after the last disaster with BF4 and SLI or basically every patch something different broke. Waste of a season pass :(
The zip line was fun but to me the whole game just feels like more BF4. I hardly play BF4 anymore as it is and I don't really want more of the same. The next FPS i'll be getting is Battlefront, but even that it is going to be Battlefield but with a Star Wars makeover.
I will never buy another BF game again, I was so dissapointed with BF4 and it was so broken from the start.

Never will fall into that trap again.
For me personally from bc2 to bf3 and 4 they`ve been nothing short of amazing, the fact that i still play bf4 religiously is testimony to this. I`ve pre-ordered this for 27 pounds on