bacon rules (just so ya know)


New member
lol, anyway heres my setup for the sake of the new gallery, will update once nimrod sends me the 360 and i get my 26" samsung HDTV ordered today or tomorrow :D




but yeh... old pics, will get new uns when i get me HDTV and 360

btw as the title says, it must be true i rule 8)
name='Marvt74' said:
Nice, far too tidy though probably due to a "need to take a pic, lets tidy up" kind of mood

lol was after i first set the desk up, only chance of a tidy pic!
name='mightynimrod' said:
Its all packaged up waiting for collection tomorrow........oooh wait do you have to book the courier for them to collect items ????:whistle:

lol funny guy :O

whats wrong with a trip to the posty!!!