The Corsair AX1200i is one of the worst PSUs you can get and I think the OP could have problems.
Even the 1500i is cutting it a bit fine for 4 GPUs but may be just enough.
I use the 1200i myself (I have got 4 of them) and have found a 3970X and 3 x 290Xs when overclocked could flatten a single unit very easily so I have to use dual PSUs in my quadfired 290X system.
I also blew up a 1200i the other day (I think it was a dud) in my 980 x 4 system and all I had connected to it was the 5960X and two of the cards, the other two cards were on the other PSU.
OP if you go quad SLI with these cards for long term use and system stability water cooling is a must. Also if you use G1 cards I would be surprised if you can even get it to run on air as the coolers will toast everything in Quad SLI.
Wattage wise you couldnt be more wrong tbh - its only the cables that make things complicated
Quad SLI is just a Giant n000b badge tbh - its about benching and people that think they need to spend loads of money.
Well if your gonna dream, dream big right?
Sometimes chucking money at a problem just creates more problems....
Wattage wise you couldnt be more wrong tbh - its only the cables that make things complicated
Quad SLI is just a Giant n000b badge tbh - its about benching and people that think they need to spend loads of money.
Sometimes chucking money at a problem just creates more problems....
Sorry what I was implying was that a dream is meant to be something big or something like that haha, cant explain it myself. Absurd sounds like a good one ^_^
Average power consumption on the 980s is very good but they also have very high spikes in power use, using 4 and an overclocked CPU stand a very good chance of knocking a Corsair 1200i over.
You need specialised equipment to measure the power spikes on the 980s but when tested the peaks are no better than the old kepler cards and in some cases are getting close to the 290 series. What the new Maxwell architecture allows the cards to do is save a lot of power when the cards are not under maximum load.
I do agree that quad 980s is about benching @1080p (I will post some scores when I have watercooled mine) and for gaming at ultra high resolutions there are faster/cheaper options out there. The 8gb 290Xs in multi GPU combinations are a serious contender for this.
4 x G1 980s would be a Giant n000b badge as I hinted at earlier unless you can get water blocks for them.
Tom is right on this as using 4 cards means a lot more to consider than just installing them.
Watercooling is a must
The right case with at least 8 expansion slots and room for 2 PSUs
Getting the right cards, 4 x 980s are not great @4K and are out performed by cheaper 290Xs for example.
Sometimes the drivers are not good, TR on the 290Xs is total crap.
Using the right CPU/mobo.
4gb cards are not enough for 4 way @4K
And the list goes on.
When it works it is nice though.
Sometimes chucking money at a problem just creates more problems....
They actually dont. Ive had two 980's maxed out in a full system pulling 550w - Im sorry dude but youre just wrong on that watts and AMP's the only issue is cables - END.
If he wants to watercool he will need to buy ref cards - tbh its not worth buying 4 anyways its retarded
ok thx, im new to the posts.
The problem i am having is that some people like u are saying i need more than 1200 to be safe but then some people are saying 1000 is more than enough and that even 900 would be good enough. i can't find a really good answer that every one agrees on...