Asus z170-E


New member
New build options

Hey all,
Build will be for gaming mostly. Video watching and browsing.
Motherboards are the two I've narrowed my selections to, either is capable for what I need to do. I prefer the E version for visual reasons.
I will be dropping the kit into my Switch so no case is needed.

Asus z170-a or ASUS z170-e
G.Skill Ripjaw V 16gb (2x8gb) 2400
Corsair RM750i
Asus Strix R9 380 4GB
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Sorry dude, completely missed this thread.

Seems like a good set of parts there really, bit overkill on the RAM for gaming though. Also, in my opinion Skylake is horribly overpriced, so personally I'd be looking at either spending less and getting some Haswell stuff, or spend just a tad more and go X99 (although this difference in price is minimal for people who already want an i7 + high end board, it'll be a bit bigger for you).
The i5-6600k is only 30 more than an i5-4690k. Not too worried over the RAM, I could knock it down but its not a bad deal for the 16 kit. I figured the z170 is a bit more "current" and i like to build my system to last a good while.The one in my sig has been cranking right along for 8 or more years now.

I got the upgrade itch and the parts listed solve the scratching and still stays under $1k.