ASUS Xonar U7


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ASUS Xonar U7 Advice needed

Hey all

I have a problem with this ASUS Xonar U7 what its doing is it making a strange clicking noise like when you press the button to change the input also i will just lose the sound randomly.

I'm not sure if it faulty i have re installed the drivers a bunch of times and its still happening.
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If you lose sound randomly it sounds like something is broken. Does this happen with different sorts of outputs too (e.g speakers and headphones, to rule out either one of those is broken)?

Also, can you check with a different cable?
If you lose sound randomly it sounds like something is broken. Does this happen with different sorts of outputs too (e.g speakers and headphones, to rule out either one of those is broken)?

Also, can you check with a different cable?

For the cable its happen on 2 different USB cables, It mostly happens when i watch Twitch/Youtube if i'm just normally just surfing the next its fine, Listening to Music/Podcasts through Foobar its fine.

So i'm not really sure what to do, apart from buying a optical cable
Well my STX clicks and momentarily loses sound when I change inputs too and I am pretty sure that is normal. But if it loses sound randomly then something has to be faulty there.
Well my STX clicks and momentarily loses sound when I change inputs too and I am pretty sure that is normal. But if it loses sound randomly then something has to be faulty there.

Once i lose sound i have to refresh the video/stream so once again i'm not sure if its faulty, I think i should have brought this one at the time Audioengine D1 Premium, The guy who i was speaking to at the shop where i got it from kinda recommended the ASUS one instead
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Sounds like a software issue rather than a hardware issue then, if it only happens in internet based apps and it's solved by a refresh.
try using xonar unifed driver. its 3rd party that fixes many bugs

I have used that program in the past and had bad luck with it.

Sounds like a software issue rather than a hardware issue then, if it only happens in internet based apps and it's solved by a refresh.

I have uninstall and reinstall heaps times at it still happens and i have the latest version of the software, I have done google searches and i can't find anything to do with this problem that i have.
What if you try the... not latest drivers?

Has this problem existed from the start?

Yes it has happen from the start, maybe i could try the 2nd latest version then, but it hasn't drop the sound for a couple of days now, i have watched 2 videos from this website and its been fine
UPDATE: I lost sound last night when i was playing a game but the strange thing is once i got sound back i could hear the game noises, but i still have to refresh when i watch a Youtube video or Twitch stream
Have you tried different drivers?

If this has been happening from the start, I feel you'd be better off returning it. Can either take a guess and get the same one back, but if it is indeed a software issue, it won't be fixed by swapping out the hardware.

Maybe you're better off with another DAC/interface?
Have you tried different drivers?

If this has been happening from the start, I feel you'd be better off returning it. Can either take a guess and get the same one back, but if it is indeed a software issue, it won't be fixed by swapping out the hardware.

Maybe you're better off with another DAC/interface?

I phone the place up today and explain to them what is happening with it, they said send it back to them and too see if they can get it to do it, I had this DAC since April 2014 so they may not give me a credit i will just have to wait and see.

Also do you know anything about the Audioengine D1 Premium, The range is very small the only other choices i have is ASUS Xonar Essence One and that's $499.00 & ASUS Xonar Essence STU $449.00 i really don't have the money to go that high.

Thanks again for the advice
I got some good news today about the DAC i sent back to the place where i brought it from it turns out it was indeed faulty so the place gave me a credit on the DAC :d.

So i have made a choice not to buy the DAC from them again, So i'm just wondering what would you guys recommend for a good DAC, I know this is silly but could i get a good DAC in the range of $100-$150 AUD, I don't mind if i have to buy it from ebay.
$150 could probably get you a full-on audio interface like a Scarlett Solo, although you probably won't need any of that and are better off with just a DAC, like maybe a FiiO E10(k), or the Schiit equipment?
$150 could probably get you a full-on audio interface like a Scarlett Solo, although you probably won't need any of that and are better off with just a DAC, like maybe a FiiO E10(k), or the Schiit equipment?

I was thinking the FiiO but is $150 over kill for someone like me, i just mostly game about 90% game 10% music, Since I've had a taste of a DAC i just wanna keep using a DAC, I'm using on board atm on my Ranger Motherboard and it sounds like crap esp in CSGO some of the guns sound completely different now.