Anybody else upset with how adaptive sync has played out?


New member
So it seems that my next graphics card upgrade has pretty much been decided for me. I have to go Nvidia.

Freesync has been a let down and the monitor which fits my bill (hardware wise) is G-Sync compliant. (27", 1080p, 1ms, 144hz, VESA)

I really dislike the fact that you are now becoming bound to a company because you purchased their adaptive sync module. I upgrade my monitor so infrequently that I will have to buy green for the next 3-5 years.

Adaptive sync is too good to pass up so I feel I must choose a side. I can't justify purchasing a regular monitor when there is such an innovative technology available to me.

Yes I could wait and see how the situation matures (as neither side is perfect, G-sync = no hdmi & expensive, Freesync = bad range/drivers) but that totally prevents me from upgrading now (which I have to do as I only have the summer in which to game due to uni)

The main reason I love PC gaming is the freedom to play what you want, how you want. Who else is feeling as restricted as a console peasant? Really want to hear peoples feedback on this.
The fact that the technology just got released is a factor. Another factor is the manufacturers themselves who choose the parts to go in the monitors. You should wait a couple of months, VESA might make adjustments to the original design to fix any issues on their side, then we will see how the manufacturers will adress those issues etc