AMD vs Nvidia - GTA V Performance Review


The Guvnor
Staff member

If you've been waiting for the latest instalment of Rockstars GTA franchise then you want to know how it will perform. So did we. We dug out our two ASUS Matrix cards and went to work.

AMD vs Nvidia - GTA V Performance Review
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sli is defiantly bugged in this game at the moment

Really? mine has been absolutely fine with SLi, I haven't even bothered downloading that updated driver with the SLi profiles, it's been awesome tbh.

FYI, you can turn off that alert moaning, just set the ignore limits thing to on.. done! :)

moar 4k tests now plz :P
Really? mine has been absolutely fine with SLi, I haven't even bothered downloading that updated driver with the SLi profiles, it's been awesome tbh.

FYI, you can turn off that alert moaning, just set the ignore limits thing to on.. done! :)

moar 4k tests now plz :P

Aye I know matey but it really does use the lot and slow stuff down.

I didnt even get the serial till lunch time yday and wanted to get this up ASAP

When the TX comes back I may get the 295 out and test with those two ;)
Really? mine has been absolutely fine with SLi, I haven't even bothered downloading that updated driver with the SLi profiles, it's been awesome tbh.

FYI, you can turn off that alert moaning, just set the ignore limits thing to on.. done! :)

moar 4k tests now plz :P

yeah it thinks there's double the available Vram, an at 1080p with everthing maxed and x2 AA i average about 55fps with 2 970's.

not sure what you mean by alert moaning though fella?
Awesome article, you got that out fast Tom. The 980 got rekt!

Well I mean it didn't but when a £300 card is right behind the £570 card it's very impressive. 290X's are truly magnificent for their age and price.

sli is defiantly bugged in this game at the moment

Firstly SLI isn't bugged, it only happens with 970's afaik, maybe 980's but earlier nVidia cards just report the regular amount. And also it doesn't actually report the incorrect amount as it doubles both the predicted usage and the maximum which is actually whats happening in the real world.

Maybe it's R* trolling nVidia over the 970 ;)

no its not just limited to the 970's, people with 7070's are having the problem aswell
Ahhh that would of been a funny troll :( It's not a problem though is it, just an inconsistent convention.


its happening to quite a few people, not sure whats going on with it. i think i should be getting better than 55fps with 2 970's at 1080p with everything maxed but only x2 AA, what kind for fps are you seeing an what setting JR23?
Oh the vram amount, yeah I noticed that, but I turned the limiter off and turned all the things up and it's been fine. The only thing I've seen that made everything freeze was putting the shadows into NVIDIA PCSS mode, but i imagine that's because 780's instead of 980's or something?
hmm definately something wrong there. Im getting over 70 with 780SLI on same settings as you. And that is with a 4970k at stock clocks. When I up it to 1440p it drops to 55fps.

Maybe there is something there about the 970.

Ill post my exact settings later today. As I am impressed at how many tweaks we can do. I haven't touched the advanced settings though.
Mmm, yummy VRAM :D

4k for me on SLI Titan Black so I'm not terribly concerned given they have done the right thing by this game. By all accounts it runs lovely.

Just installing it now, 7 DVDs !! each one is taking about 20 minutes to install so it's gonna take a while. Then there's a 5gb update apparently. Not that that part bothers me given I'm on 70mb optic but it's all a big tease :D

Bring it on :D
I changed some of the settings like increased the slider for types of AI and I am using slightly higher settings than the game set and t runs perfectly fine for me @1080P. It will do until I upgrade my GPU. Hopefully (if it is in fact being developed) the 980Ti

Mmm, yummy VRAM :D

4k for me on SLI Titan Black so I'm not terribly concerned given they have done the right thing by this game. By all accounts it runs lovely.

Just installing it now, 7 DVDs !! each one is taking about 20 minutes to install so it's gonna take a while. Then there's a 5gb update apparently. Not that that part bothers me given I'm on 70mb optic but it's all a big tease :D

Bring it on :D

I don't envy you. I used an external DVD rom to install the game yesterday which took three and a half hours then it took five and a half hours to download the 5GB patch that was needed. Also I have 120mb/s download speed but you will be lucky to get over 200Kb/s most of the time with the patch.
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Well, there goes my dream of running it max settings on a 760 at 1080p :lol:

Was to be expected I suppose!
Yeah I've been told the download speed of the patch is awful.

Ah well, needs must ! this is what I spent four grand for so I'll have to just roll with the punches :D
I have been running 1080p at max and getting around 70-90 fps.
runs really nice, on my 980. Ill be sad if they release a Ti of the the 980 lol
Had one crash, but i think i was being optimistic with the OC on my GPU, was stable in heaven and a few other BM's
its happening to quite a few people, not sure whats going on with it. i think i should be getting better than 55fps with 2 970's at 1080p with everything maxed but only x2 AA, what kind for fps are you seeing an what setting JR23?

Apologies for that, the reason it wasn't happening to me is because I actually had SLI disabled. Now I have enabled it both the usage and available values have been doubled so that is legitimate and not really a problem. I've printscreened all of my settings for you, it's running at 65-100fps but mostly sticking around the 75fps mark at 1440p.










Should be able to max it out with 6GB too - happy days!

Yeah man well excited. Last decent PC game I played was South Park and that was over a year ago.

Dying Light is sound but it's the only game I really play at 4k. Crysis 3 looks stellar but it's shit, and BF4 is rubbish in single player.

What I need now are the games to make use of the hardware I have :D