Alphacool NB-eLoop 1200rpm


Active member
Hey guys,

Do any of you know how this one would compare to an Corsair AF120 Quiet Edition as an exhaust fan?...


All replies are much appreciated!

It may seems pretty low in noise but the wings will gather dust and if you smoke will damaged much more quickly and in the end will not operate right this why i strongly suggest NF-P12 with cuts in the wings that making them last much longer.

I even wrote no and for the new nocua air flow acceleration channels.
It may seems pretty low in noise but the wings will gather dust and if you smoke will damaged much more quickly and in the end will not operate right this why i strongly suggest NF-P12 with cuts in the wings that making them last much longer.

I even wrote no and for the new nocua air flow acceleration channels.

The Noctuas will gather dust the same way as the e-loops if you dont filter them!

The motor on the e-loops will be a bit quieter then the Corsair in my expirience at least otherwise the perfomance wont be that different unless you put them on a rad, then the NB shall be better but I have not tested this myself.
It may seems pretty low in noise but the wings will gather dust and if you smoke will damaged much more quickly and in the end will not operate right this why i strongly suggest NF-P12 with cuts in the wings that making them last much longer.

I even wrote no and for the new nocua air flow acceleration channels.

This made no sense to me at all... every fan collects dust, one way or another. That is why I use dust filters on every fan that I have on the case.

The motor on the e-loops will be a bit quieter then the Corsair in my expirience at least otherwise the perfomance wont be that different unless you put them on a rad, then the NB shall be better but I have not tested this myself.

Thanks for your reply! :) ... No I'm just wondering if it will perform the same, worse or better than the Corsair AF one. As an intake or exhaust fan, at the back. Since as rad fans I'll most likely use Corsair SPs or Noctua Industrial 2000RPM PWM ones.