I can't wait till next week, really looking forward to H5. 60fps is great, but 30fps wouldn't have been a disaster imo - the game looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun
its a bit of a silly debate to have when it comes to frame rates, any one who plays games for any length of time should notice that he higher the frames the better and when it comes to a fps then its doubly so as it does affect how you play.
its all fair if a game like stick of truth is 30fps its been made to look like the cartoon and its turn based with no real fast paced action. but anything that requires any sort of pace or fluidity really does need higher fps. I have been known to reduce visual quality so i can always achieve 60fps. and i dont see the issue with that. i have however seen people use 4k and prefer 4k res with bells and whistles at 30fps i personally dont comprehend that but there are some people who really do just want uber graphics and to hell with the frame rate.. That is just a preference thing. "although i really dont see how you can argue that its better"
But to say twice as many frames per second wont add anything to the game play in a fps is a bit silly. one can only imagine that the person never played a fps for a competitive clan or something.
I know personally when i used to play swat 4 for a clan if i was playing at 30fps i may as well have just gone home.
From a competitive standpoint, I guess consoles are the great leveler as whether it's 30fps or 60fps all players have the same. But even then there is network latency, tv input lag, controller input lag (xbox controllers do communicate using the cable, unlike PS4 controllers which remain wireless even when wired to the console btw), and even custom controllers like scufs and the forthcoming elite controller can give an edge. I'm not this competitive personally, but the level playing field of console hardware is good for us casuals
He just worded what he was trying to say very poorly, what he was saying is that 60fps isn't going to fix the mechanics in the game that some find unbalanced or broken. He wasn't saying that 60 isn't better than 30.
It's more of the GPU than the CPU dude. If it had the PS4's GPU they probably could have gotten true 1080p and 60fps or at least closer to it.
While this game would benefit from 60fps, the fact that it required removal of split screen should have made them think 30fps was ok. Split screen is one of the defining features of Halo. I can no longer hangout with friends and play together. Totally ruins the experience. At the very least when splitscreen was occuring they should have dropped to 30FPS during singleplayer. In multiplayer they should have kept it 60fps but no splitscreen even though that's still a bummer to not support that.
Of course the main issue with the 30fps vs 60fps debate is the AMD APU in the Xbox One and PS4. It's essentially what? The AMD A10-6850K or something like that? Or an Intel Core i3-4130 (maybe even a Pentium G3258?) and NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti? You can't expect a rig like that to pump out the same as anything above an Intel i5 with a NVIDIA GTX 950 or AMD FX-8350 and AMD R9 380. It's just an unfair comparison hardware-performance wise.
But yeah, an FPS should always aim for 60fps. 343 using Dynamic Resolution? That's genius! In fact? All console games should adapt something like that tbh. PC games already do, look at World of Tanks. You can set it to automatically reduce graphics and resolution to maintain the refresh rate setting of choice. It just makes sense to keep the gameplay smooth and keep that frame time variance down.
Halo series in general has suffered from certain game balancing issues... but I doubt Halo 5 will be anywhere near as bad as Halo Combat Evolve on PC... I still have nightmares of fuel rod guns and banshees...