290x vs 380x


New member
Im building pc for my girlfriend. She will only play fallout4 :) i wonder whats better investment. Used 290x from Amazon (Sapphire AMD Radeon Vapor-X R9 290 Tri-X) or brand new 380x by Asus. 290x if £170 and 380x is £190. Rest of pc is i5 4590, 12gb ram, z87 msi gd65. 2560x1080 monitor.
290X definitely, it is the same GPU as the 390X but with 4GB of VRAM instead of 8GB.
290x is faster and cheaper so get that:)
You have probably the best cooler on the 290x, just make sure it gets enough airflow and you will be good to go!
coming from a R9 290x Vapor X owner it's a "no brainer" this model is one of the best examples of the 290X out there apart from the MSI lightning. I paid £275 last year for mine and I considered that a bargain at the time :)
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I just googled this and you would be looking at 40-50 fps on that card fella but at 1920x1080 you would hit it though :)
At the moment shes playing new vegas at 30fps ;) on her old laptop. I think with few settings down she weill definitely be happy ;)
does it specify that its the 4gb model? Interestingly sapphire made a few ( less than 300 iirc) 8gb 290X Vapor-X cards so you could be very lucky and get that!
Will see today ;) im tryin to squeeze every penny, so Im buying a lot of B grade items and was kinda lucky so far. I hope this one be just as good ;)
Got the card looks great ;) only issue is that i had to adjust cfg files to get 2560x1080 work .. My girlfriend loving it ;) and fallout4 is smooth as butter
yeh really happy how it looks. And only spend £370 to build it ;) only cpu cooler and those black/blue extensions are new. Everything else is ocuk B grade and amazon warehouse deals.
I5 4590, msi gd65 z87, 12gb ddr3 1600, 256gb ssd, amd 290x, evga 650w gold psu, 2tb seagate, ac wifi card, cable extensions, old corsair fans from previous build.
Money well spent there mate kudos to you. How are the Vapor X temps just out of interest?.
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