1866 v 1600: Should I wait?


New member
Hi all,

Wanting to purchase some memory for my build today and my supplier currently only has the 1600MHz sticks in the RAM that I am after.

There is a 3 week lead time for the 1866MHz ones and the price difference is only ~$5 - so my question is... is there really any point of waiting that extra 3 weeks for the 1866 sticks?

Any info is appreciated.
Not worth the wait mate, for gaming you'll barely see a performance difference and for editing you'll want some quicker RAM anyway.
Not worth it, you wont see any significant performance increase in real life situations, it will be mainly some small increments in benchmarks.
Also what timings is the 1600mhz and 1866mhz ram?
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That's what I was thinking. Cheers for the prompt responses, fellas.

Also what timings is the 1600mhz and 1866mhz ram?

Timings: 1600MHz, 10-10-10, 1.5V
Timings: 1866MHz, 10-11-10, 1.5V

Note: Perhaps I should have looked at this before posting this question ^_^
Err, would you mind providing a link to the 2? Or are you already getting the 1600mhz set?

Why does that matter? Even if they had the same timings/voltage/everything except for the clockspeed, the 1866MHz kit would simply not be worth a 3 week wait.
well I was thinking that maybe they could be of different model o-O Either way, the timings are pretty much the same and the OP could probably OC the ram if they wanted numbers to look at.

Well never mind.
Hey Newbie,

The 1600 and 1866 were the exact same brand/model of RAM, and as you can see from the timings posted above - there is very little difference.

And yes, 1600's have been ordered and will be arriving today :)

Cheers again for the help.
Hi all,

Wanting to purchase some memory for my build today and my supplier currently only has the 1600MHz sticks in the RAM that I am after.

There is a 3 week lead time for the 1866MHz ones and the price difference is only ~$5 - so my question is... is there really any point of waiting that extra 3 weeks for the 1866 sticks?

Any info is appreciated.

Let me guess PCCG? Or maybe Mwave? Since you ordered online.
Or I spose it could of been somewhere like Msy or Arc?
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Could also be Scorptec or Umart

Possibly. Have to wait and see.

I'm going to make an Australian member thread in off topic so we can discuss what ever and be able to reference stuff locally with each other. As everyone else talks euro's, pounds or USD which is no help to us.