What case and psu should I get??


New member
Hey yeah thanks for psu suggestion but its just ive had that case in my last build and I wanted to go different. I will go with the cx430m and the zalman t4.
It doesnt appeal to me that much tbh.. Plus its £15 more than the Zalman T4 XD. I did a bit more researching and it turns out the xfx core 450w is a highly superior unit to the cx430 so Ill go with that instead?
There really isn't much of a difference between the 2 units at all. Both use good OEM's and both units are solid choices for a budget build. I can also second that you might want to consider a nicer case like the Fractal Core 1000 because of the build quality and minimalist looks.
okay then I might go with the cx430m instead, it is slightly cheaper. Ive had the fractal design core 1000 before and tbh the quality is no big thing, and it hasnt got much room for cable management.
okay then I might go with the cx430m instead, it is slightly cheaper. Ive had the fractal design core 1000 before and tbh the quality is no big thing, and it hasnt got much room for cable management.

That Zalman will be no different, and the Core 1000 was at least a steel case. With the price of that Zalman I'm going to take a guess and say the inside is made of tin. It'll also have 0 cable management options. You'll need to spend a tad more than that for a proper case mate :\

What's the rest of the specs like?
The Silverstone RL04B is a great case. easily the best designed £30 case I've ever worked with. Even comes with a 240mm filter!

-edit- I'd also get the xfx psu personally as well. Its a seasonic oem after all.
That Zalman will be no different, and the Core 1000 was at least a steel case. With the price of that Zalman I'm going to take a guess and say the inside is made of tin. It'll also have 0 cable management options. You'll need to spend a tad more than that for a proper case mate :\

What's the rest of the specs like?

Oh you want the specs? ^_^

Core 2 Duo e7200 @2.53GHZ
Intel DG43RK Motherboard
2x2GB OCZ Gold Ram
9400GT 1GB DDR2
2.5" WB Caviar Blue 320GB

And ill take another look at cases. I just have a really limited budget


http://www.zalman.com/global/product/Product_Read.php?Idx=835 it does have cable mangement
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Makes a lot of sense, because everyone know what type of a look he likes, right? He already shot down all the suggestions if you missed that part.

If anyone missed something, its you. If anyone knows what he likes, its us. We've been here quite a bit longer than you have man. Instead of being stuck up, try contributing something useful. Thanks