Warframe has removed their PhysX Particle effects in favour of a universal standard

Whilst a part of me really misses Physx done properly I must admit it is now a dead tech and another one of the long list of "could have beens".

It was fantastic in Mirror's Edge, and great in Mafia 2, but when something relies on one thing it will never succeed. That is why I've been quite happy over the past three years or so, because other than Freesync and Gsync the nonsense had kinda stopped.

It does make me wonder how long this game has been in dev, considering it uses something I'd all but forgotten about.
I did enjoy Physx in Havoc and watching the paper and rustling debris in Batman Arkham City or whatever the one that followed Asylum was called. They were well done indeed. but I guess too demanding for many systems, and so fell prey of the "we dont need it" by developers.
I did enjoy Physx in Havoc and watching the paper and rustling debris in Batman Arkham City or whatever the one that followed Asylum was called. They were well done indeed. but I guess too demanding for many systems, and so fell prey of the "we dont need it" by developers.

In this case, some of Nvidia's drivers were causing performance issues and they were not supporting it properly anymore.

That was enough to push the developers to change their game, though the prospect of supporting the feature on consoles is likely what pushed them to do it. Warframe is still very popular these days.
Physx is such an under used tech, It has so much potential.

I remember buying an Ageia Physx PPU when they came out in 2006 and played Cellfactor, Even to this day it's really impressive.

Physx is such an under used tech, It has so much potential.

I remember buying an Ageia Physx PPU when they came out in 2006 and played Cellfactor, Even to this day it's really impressive.

Main problem was that Nvidia bought PhysX and it became Nvidia only. It would have been interesting if Ageia remained its own company and perhaps licensed the tech to console/GPU manufacturers.

There might have been some cool games in that alternate timeline.
Yup exactly. When it only works on one tech, and Nvidia even go to great length to stop hackers making it work by Ninja methods then you drive a divide into your games.

I know I said it hadn't happened recently, but I was wrong. Gameworks in FO4 for example. I play it at home I get lovely weapons and HD stuff, I play it on my Fury X and all of that is missing. So I guess Gamedoesn'twork is their new method of tying gamers to one tech and thus Physx is no fun any more.

It wasn't even particles I found acebest about Physx. It was more realistic flappy things. Like the plastic sheets in ME and the warped heat waves coming out of the air con units atop the buildings in Mafia 2. That was absolutely ace. Havok is great and all, but when it goes wrong (which it does in FO3, a lot) it ends up being comedic. People stuck in the air waggling like crazy and etc.