Tweakforce Drivers AMD And Nvidia


Resident Newb
I always try and use Tweakforce drivers when I can, Only when they are up to date with Nvidias latest offering.

Had good experiences with them in the past and continue to use them, Thought I would share as they have been around for some time now.

They tweak the drivers for maximum IQ and performance but all their drivers are mainly to increase image quality.

I can confirm they do indeed raise IQ and have indeed gained a few fps in certain scenarios, Not by a huge amount but it is there :)

These are great if you like doing showcase tech demos or beauty screenshots etc...

Click Me For Pretty Drivers ^_^
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Holy Shit, I remember using these back in the day! Totally forgot about these :) Thanks for the reminder.
These sound interesting. Are they just like a tweaked regular driver, almost sooped up ?

Pretty much yeah :)

They still need to bring out one for the latest Nvidia and AMD drivers though or they might wait for the next WHQL releases but they are pretty consistent in their updates.
That website looks amateurish enough to raise my suspicion. Any screenshots or benchmarks available?
These sound interesting. Are they just like a tweaked regular driver, almost sooped up ?

I know in the past OmegaDrivers use to take the current available Beta Drivers and tweak the nuts out of them, often getting much better performance than the official vendors efforts.. but it sure looks as though Omega are only linking the WHQL now... shame I used to swear by them in my 8800GTS days.
That website looks amateurish enough to raise my suspicion. Any screenshots or benchmarks available?

I've been using their Nvidia and AMD tweaked drivers since 2009 mate, Your suspicion can relax ^_^

Don't forget, Not EVERY site can afford to hire a pro to do their layouts and designs.

Don't have any benchmarks on hand as I have the latest Nvidia beta installed but I always notice a nice little boost in either IQ or a few frames here and there.

Just browse through their forums and you will see results from people :)
Well they could've had the decency to not choose the tackiest default theme their forum suite had to offer. :P

Looks fairly normal, Not harsh on the eyes or tacky -
