Stuck at 501MHz (since Win10)


New member
Firstly, I have my 7950's clocked at 1050MHz on the core and 1450MHz on the memory with 1.069v - for gaming

1200MHz on the core and 1610MHz on the memory with 1.25v - for benching

They have always been like this.

Since Windows 10, GPU 1 (one of two) keeps running at 501MHz Core and 1250MHz Memory, occasionally jumping to 850MHz core and 1250MHz memory.

Now in windows 7 I had the same issue and had this issue since day one of my GPUs, so did many people (obtained this information after scouring the interwebzzz) and the fix was to disable "Hardware Acceleration" in Flash setting.

Which DID work...

This doesn't seem to be working for Windows 10, any ideas?

Much love,
Dan :D

EDIT: I think I know what to do, disable Hardware Acceleration in Windows 10... But how?
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Have you updated to the new Win10 gpu ready driver?

EDIT: Actually, scrap that, I installed the latest AMD driver right away.

I have indeed, but you just reminded me... I think that's when the problem started.

Here is some screenshots of what is happening.

Also, going to go back the the drivers before the latest one.

You'll see in image one and two, my clock speeds.
Image three, on the 3D Mark Launch Page.
Then image four I had just ran the first test.





Double Post (sort of a bump to notify it is fixed)

Open regedit, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Avalon.Graphics

inside \Avalon.Graphics, if there is no key/value for DisableHWAcceleration then create a new DWORD named "DisableHWAcceleration" and set the value to "1"

Reboot PC.

I also had to disable inside Mozilla Firefox to stop my Youtube playlist limiting my GPU as seen in the pictures 501 - 850MHz on the core.

Options > Advanced > uncheck "Use hardware acceleration when available"


EDIT: Mod can close.
Reading this makes me not want to upgrade to Windows 10 now even though my PC is giving popups and hassle about it. What do you think I should do?
re: win 10...if the Free upgrade is still available and your components are win 10 compatible then Upgrade, i personally find 10 faster than 7. just check first if there are win 10 drivers for your components, Deep Joy :)