Silverstone S Series PSU & Cable Kit question


Active member
Hello guys!

So I was wondering if you know where to get hold on those short cable kits from Silverstone, to their small PSUs?... there are 2 kits, that I've come across, the PP05 and PP05-E.
Being the PP05-E being the one I want, as they are the all black, flat cables. Rather than being like "normal" cables and not all black to the end connectors.

Now, I've found this one:

Although, I'm a bit jeezy about ordering that one... due to being ebay and since I've learned not to skimp on the PSU. Due to it can fry your entire PC etc, I'm a bit afraid of those cables and thought I would ask you... if you know anywhere else to get them from?.

Also... for an mini-ITX system: i7 2600K 3.4GHz, 16 GB Corsair Vengeance PRO 1600MHz, Sapphire Radeon HD6950 2GB, H100i, 1 or 2 SSDs and the same for HDDs.
To all be in the Corsair 250D.

How big would you recommend the PSU to be?... 550, 650, 750 or 850W?...

Silverstone make a nice quality cable, I have all white braided extensions in my rig from them. As for your PSU I'd go with a 650w unit, it's slightly more than you need but you never know if you might need more juice later, plus if you get one of the Corsair RM650w you'll pretty much never hear it due to its silent nature at low loads.
Silverstone make a nice quality cable, I have all white braided extensions in my rig from them. As for your PSU I'd go with a 650w unit, it's slightly more than you need but you never know if you might need more juice later, plus if you get one of the Corsair RM650w you'll pretty much never hear it due to its silent nature at low loads.

You do?, have you braided them yourself?...
And is a 650W unit slightly overkill for me?... I thought that it wouldn't be :huh:.
But then again, you're the expert here :p
They came pre braided, 30cm in length, standard silverstone extensions.
The PSU is overkill, but in a good way, it leaves head room for future upgrades, if you feel that 650w is to large a 550w will do just a well.
I'm no expert I can assure you of that, just knowledgeable and experienced enough, I've watched enough reviews and build logs and built many "normal" (every day) systems to be able to recommend quality parts.
They came pre braided, standard silverstone extentions?... are these for a specific PSU, specific line up of their PSUs or do they work to all of their PSUs?...

Head room for future upgrades, such as a more powerful GPU then or what did you think of?... since it's a mini ITX system in an Corsair 250D. So it's not that much room in it, nor that much to put in it, except for a single graphics card etc.

Haha, well fair enough then mate... but to be fair with you, you are the expert here, comparing you and me so :)
Yeah, that is true and that is exactly why I post and ask here, due to you know more than I do of good parts etc for PC builds :)

Really appreciate you taking your time to read and reply, to help me out with my future build mate! Cheers! :)
Yes just simple white braided extensions they attach to the end of the standard PSU cables. What I meant by Future upgrades was if you were to later decide on a newer CPU or Graphics card you wouldn't have to worry about upgrading your PSU as well because it would already be big enough to cope with even the highest end of hardware.
Yes just simple white braided extensions they attach to the end of the standard PSU cables. What I meant by Future upgrades was if you were to later decide on a newer CPU or Graphics card you wouldn't have to worry about upgrading your PSU as well because it would already be big enough to cope with even the highest end of hardware.

Haha, well I must be very tired!... I missread your "extention cables" for regular cables lol.
Well those looks quite sexy indeed!... although I'm out after those short cable kit PP05, which isn't extentions. Just the cables itself, only shorter than regular/normal ones.

Ahh okay... well that I won't argue on. I did actually look and the 550W is 1180kr and the 650W is 1195kr. So only 15kr in difference, which is about £1,2.
So it's pretty useless going for the 550W, I'll trust your word and go for the 650W :)

Thanks dude! :)
Yes just simple white braided extensions they attach to the end of the standard PSU cables. What I meant by Future upgrades was if you were to later decide on a newer CPU or Graphics card you wouldn't have to worry about upgrading your PSU as well because it would already be big enough to cope with even the highest end of hardware.

Thats a replacement kit not extensions
Where are you based? UK?

If so, pretty sure Scan Computers use to stock them, even Amazon.

I'm from Sweden, but do at times order from UK stores, such as
Although, haven't been able to find one yet.

*EDIT* - Did look now and found it:

Thank you for that You_What?! :)

Thats a replacement kit not extensions

That is correct and I'm not enirely sure about this, but in my opinion... $299.99 for that kit, is a lot.
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Question regarding this topic, if anyone knows... can you use the standard cables that come with the PSU and the shorter cables at the same time, mixing them togheter? Or can you only use one "kit" at a time?...