Searching for IT support or Data technician apprenticeship.


New member
Hey guys I'm hoping some of you might be able to help me out.

Earlier this year I finished the first part of my education in school and I'm now searching for a company where I can start my apprenticeship. The problem is that here in Denmark the amount of IT supporters and Data technicians that finishes the basic course of the education well exceeds the amount of apprenticeships available. I've been trying to locate some companies and even searching for apprenticeships abroad but with no luck.

If any of you know of companies searching for an apprentice in the IT related field could you help me out? I'm really struggling to find a way to continue my education and it would sadden me greatly if I'd have to give up.

Now I know some people is weary of name dropping companies especially for someone they've never met, so I figured it might be a good idea to just sum me up as a person in a couple of lines.

I'm a 33 year old guy, I've previously worked as a security guard and bouncer, I've had a lot off unskilled work. I'm passionate about working with computers, I'm punctual, hard working and most off all a quick learner when it comes to computers. Spare time goes with Mountain biking, computers and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as well as friends and family.

I hope some of you can help me out it would be much appreciated.

The issue is, atleast in the UK, that Apprentices aren't subsidized by the government after 19. You'd be hard pressed to find one over here. I was lucky as I did/still do my apprenticeship with a organisation that isn't exactly hard pressed for cash so they weren't fussed about the money from the government not being there. Quite a few companies don't accept 18+ for apprentices it seems due to the money thing.
The issue is, atleast in the UK, that Apprentices aren't subsidized by the government after 19. You'd be hard pressed to find one over here. I was lucky as I did/still do my apprenticeship with a organisation that isn't exactly hard pressed for cash so they weren't fussed about the money from the government not being there. Quite a few companies don't accept 18+ for apprentices it seems due to the money thing.

The funny thing is that when you're 25 and above in Denmark you get a salary as an apprentice equal to a unskilled worker so that is a lot compared to a one under 25 but the catch is that the company only pays the normal apprenticeship salary the rest they get from the Danish state so it doesn't cost the company's here anything extra but they still focus on young people which I find weird, in my opinion it would be better to hire someone who has had some experience with life and is focused on his goals and so on (Don't wanna start a rant by this statement but in Denmark a lot of youngsters quits in the middle of their educations)

Actually the Danish state can give me financial support for rent, travels back and forth so I wouldn't need the same salary as you have, so depending on what the rate is for one at that age it might work or it might be possible to negotiate one that would suit my needs and that the company wouldn't see as too costly.
The funny thing is that when you're 25 and above in Denmark you get a salary as an apprentice equal to a unskilled worker so that is a lot compared to a one under 25 but the catch is that the company only pays the normal apprenticeship salary the rest they get from the Danish state so it doesn't cost the company's here anything extra but they still focus on young people which I find weird, in my opinion it would be better to hire someone who has had some experience with life and is focused on his goals and so on (Don't wanna start a rant by this statement but in Denmark a lot of youngsters quits in the middle of their educations).

If it doesn't cause the company any financial issues to get you trained (as that tends to be the biggest costs for companies as the wage for an apprentice under a certain age is £2.65 here) I don't think it'd be too hard (don't quote me though..). However you have to be very careful as quite a few companies just use apprentices as cheap labour and at the end of it you won't get any meaningful qualification.

I know someone who is my age (20) who can't get an apprenticeship due to the issues I discussed previously.
If it doesn't cause the company any financial issues to get you trained (as that tends to be the biggest costs for companies as the wage for an apprentice under a certain age is £2.65 here) I don't think it'd be too hard (don't quote me though..). However you have to be very careful as quite a few companies just use apprentices as cheap labour and at the end of it you won't get any meaningful qualification.

I know someone who is my age (20) who can't get an apprenticeship due to the issues I discussed previously.

There are certain standards depending what education you're going for that they have to meet and as far as I know they send a counselor to survey the company before they let you start to make sure they can deliver on the required goals for the education. The most important thing for me right now is just to get started and feel I'm actually going in the right direction. THX for the help mate I greatly appreciate it.
There are certain standards depending what education you're going for that they have to meet and as far as I know they send a counselor to survey the company before they let you start to make sure they can deliver on the required goals for the education. The most important thing for me right now is just to get started and feel I'm actually going in the right direction. THX for the help mate I greatly appreciate it.

Good luck! :)