Raven's Cry Developer says "Anything above 30FPS does not matter for the experience"


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Raven's Cry Developer says "Anything above 30FPS does not matter for the experience"

The developer of Raven's Cry says that "Anything above 30FPS does not matter for the gaming experience" and in response to a fans request for further game optimization said that it was expensive, time consuming and complicated.


Read more on the developer of Raven's Cry saying that "Anything above 30FPS does not matter for the gaming experience".
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Well he's clearly wrong.

24" 1920x1080 60Hz at 60FPS is perfect, anything below 40FPS and I start to notice.
See is what happened here is the developer has a GTX780, which we all know, is the best graphics card ever to grace the earth. The frames are so beautifully timed and consistently delivered he thinks that 30fps looks better than going to the cinema or watching youtube and he is correct.

But it also sounds like he has been so busy developing his game abut pirates that he hasn't yet seen GTA V on PC and witnessed the beauty of Ultra grass at over 100fps. Oh well, if he isn't that bothered about the best possible reproduction of the content he has created I am not too bothered about seeing it.

TBH I'm quite ed off by his "Nvidia don't give me free GPUs so sod optimization" attitude is pitiful.

Do you know who bought the R9 Fury X, GTX 980Ti and other GPUs for my game performance stuff? Me, not AMD, or Nvidia. Will my work pay for them? perhaps eventually, but I bought them and kept them because I love what I do and am willing to invest in the tools for the job.

The guys clearly doesn't have enough passion for his work, at least from a performance perspective.
Are you guys -really- going to listen to the developer of that game?

Just don't. Raven's Cry was at best, a joke. It was taken off the steam store on first release and it is one of those games that has ended up being notoriously buggy and broken. This developer (I think the original devs went bust IIRC) is doing this for publicity.
Looking through the devs more recent comments I can see where he's coming from.

In RPG's as they are generally not exactly fast paced, 30FPS isn't really that bad compared to 30FPS in a racer.
;887176 said:
Looking through the devs more recent comments I can see where he's coming from.

In RPG's as they are generally not exactly fast paced, 30FPS isn't really that bad compared to 30FPS in a racer.

I've played most of Fallout 4 @ 30 FPS or less. I've completed it, and played it for around 80 hours. Fallout 4 can be somewhat fast paced but that's what VATs is for any way..

Any way those days are soon to be over (he says, praying).
;887176 said:
Looking through the devs more recent comments I can see where he's coming from.

In RPG's as they are generally not exactly fast paced, 30FPS isn't really that bad compared to 30FPS in a racer.

Sure balls to the walls FPS isn't everything in a RPG but it's still noticeable even to me and I'm not particularly sensitive to FPS. I noticed it during DA:I and witcher 3 after I upgraded my GPU a while back it was a noticeable difference when running around 60fps. I do agree however that racing games FPS is more important