PSU Suggestions


Boo! How goes it?

It's been a while and I've been busy!

I've moved into a new place, and now have to be cautious of the bills as I'm a father-to-be! :)

So, for the first time in history, I am now running the 4.9Ghz overclock with EIST, C-States and Asus EPU enabled with a balanced power plan, shocker.

However, I think it's time to replace my Thermaltacky 1200Watt PSU that has served me well since 2008 (Quad 9800 GX2 babies). It has lasted me a long time, but it's age is showing. I believe it to be less energy efficient than current technology, it lacks a bloody active fan and it's the only thing I can hear, the rest of the system is unheard. Plus, it's huge.

I've been looking at Superflower and Corsair, I'm leaning towards Corsair, but with hardware becoming less power hungry I'm leaning towards around 600 - 700 watt?

Have you looked at a EVGA PSU, It hard to complain about it when it comes with a 10 year warranty and as far as i know the EVGA SuperNOVA are made bye SuperFlower.
Hey CalVic good to see you back dude, PSUs? I'd say go with a Corsair, Superflower or EVGA unit at between 750 - 800W it's always nice to have that little bit of wiggle room :lol:

I've been using a Corsair AX860i for the last month or so and I must say I'm incredibly impressed with the performance and silence, the new Link software really does help too.