PC Game Cracking may become Impossible in 2 years


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PC Game Cracking may be Impossible in 2 years warn 3DM, a Chinese game cracking group. Is PC Game piracy dead?


Read more on PC cracking potentially becoming impossible within the next few years.
It really doesn't matter to me any more. I pay for what I play now but I just make sure it's good before handing over my money, and if it's crap Steam now offer refunds.

That alone takes almost any legitimacy out of piracy and just leaves people looking like thieves.

When JC3 came out I will admit I downloaded it. Here we are all of this time later and there's still no crack for it. So I never did get to try it out.

But, going on my usual philosophy that means that the game wasn't a "must have" and so I will just wait for it to become cheaper before buying it, or, get a code from one of those sites.
Games piracy has been dead to me for quite a long time now, there simply is no excuse anymore, the frequency of sales alone is reason enough to hold off on new titles and just buy them when they are on sale.

Despite this claim though, i doubt it will be over, anything and everything can be cracked, but it will take a long time to do so.
Companies need to start doing proper demos, Maybe a time limited demo, Maybe 20 minutes or something which would wet peoples appetite.
;888354 said:
Companies need to start doing proper demos, Maybe a time limited demo, Maybe 20 minutes or something which would wet peoples appetite.

Steam now let you play for X hours (you would need to check for the exact but I think it's 2 hours) and if you don't play it any more they offer you a full refund which should give you plenty of time to test.

I didn't know about that until recently.

Obviously if game prices continue to climb to console prices (with no licensing fee) then this is going to make piracy worse. However, if this protection really is as good as they say it could work because games are time sensitive (IE they're not full price for long before people lose interest and they become cheaper).

If I want a game I will get it on day one. Sitting around for weeks/months for some one to crack it would only be for the complete titus (tight a**e). I mean you would have to be a real Norbert Colon to do that.
;888354 said:
Companies need to start doing proper demos, Maybe a time limited demo, Maybe 20 minutes or something which would wet peoples appetite.
Agreed, devs really need to start again with playable Demos, it used to be my soul reason for choosing games. I recall playing a time limited demo of Absolute Pinball for months and to keep it running all you had to do was either uninstall and reinstall or set your clock back 3 days.

If you go back to the early - mid 90's it was all about the demos every magazine had a demo disk on it, ID and Raven Soft used to give you the first 3 levels of their games as a demo (Doom, Hexen, Heretic) as far as piracy goes it's sad to say but it'll never stop (twin VCRs scart linked, recording the top40 off the radio, floppy drive Copy X, CD ROMs, DVD Roms, BRay Burners now it's all digital copying) it'll never end.
Agreed, devs really need to start again with playable Demos, it used to be my soul reason for choosing games. I recall playing a time limited demo of Absolute Pinball for months and to keep it running all you had to do was either uninstall and reinstall or set your clock back 3 days.

If you go back to the early - mid 90's it was all about the demos every magazine had a demo disk on it, ID and Raven Soft used to give you the first 3 levels of their games as a demo (Doom, Hexen, Heretic) as far as piracy goes it's sad to say but it'll never stop (twin VCRs scart linked, recording the top40 off the radio, floppy drive Copy X, CD ROMs, DVD Roms, BRay Burners now it's all digital copying) it'll never end.

And then greed overcame them and they were all swallowed up by large corporations who don't give you the sweat off their balls.

My main gripe right now is how the prices are starting to mimic console game prices, yet there's no licensing fee to be had on the PC so they're just being fluffing greedy.

That really sticks in my throat if I'm honest.
That awkward moment when your country is under capital control and you can't even get 5Euros on steam to enable adding friends.....
I've heard stuff like this before, and it eventually gets done, not that I dabble any more I just wait for sales or key sites to have it at a proper price
Of course they're going to say that. They want developers to buy their software.

These people are kidding themselves if they really believe they can beat piracy, the music & film industry have tried & failed despite court orders and forcing ISPs to block torrent sites.

It isn't going away, it will continue to be part of society until our extinction.
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Sorry but for all the people on here that are saying demos are the only way forward, demos are generally detrimental to the performance of a games sales. This is a video explaining it in more detail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QM6LoaqEnY

so yeah i doubt we will see more demos

"Let's have more micro transactions and pay as you play games!"
Quote : No one EVER!

The idea that episodic games are a new thing is rubbish, as far back as DOOM this was happening. DOOM was always shareware back in the day, Act 1 free, pay to unlock the rest of the game.

As a developer, yes, a demo can be costly. But as a consumer, and lets be honest, the people that are paying for it all, having a demo/beta/free play time is ever more important with AAA titles being released sub standard.
Well I just ended up buying BLOPS3, so that's me completely piracy free.

I downloaded BLOPS ages ago figuring I would not be interested. The only COD game I ever really liked was COD Ghosts. I loved the dog missions and operating the drones and so on.

So yeah, downloaded BLOPS, tried it, realised it was broken badly.

Yesterday I fitted a second GPU and noticed that BLOPS was in the supported list for Crossfire. So I downloaded the Reloaded patches and installed them all. Game worked beautifully and looked stunning maxed out at 4k. Then I rebooted the game and realised that it was pretty broken. When I try to change the graphics settings and so on it just black screens.

So I bought it. Now I should get all of the proper updates and so on.

I guess the point is that when you pirate games these days they usually tend not to work very well at launch like most PC games. You then have to rely on a bunch of hackers to hack and recode every update and then provide a new set of hacked Steam APIs and god knows what else.

On most games they just stop bothering with it.

So yeah, basically that's me completely piracy free. I've bought a few games lately for the support and patches ETC.

Just installing it now, quite looking forward to playing it :)
It won't become impossible, it will just become useless. Why take all the risks that piracy involves when you can just get the game for almost nothing on Steam a couple of months after release when most of the gamebreaking bugs have been ironed out. And you can still ask for a refund if you end up hating the game. Games are quickly becoming so worthless that they aren't even worth pirating on release date anymore. Some due to bugs and others due to their insane business model that makes them incredibly unappealing until all the content they held hostage is released. There's like one or two games a year that I must have on release date. And they tend to be so good that guilt from pirating them would give me an ulcer.
Demos aren't needed anymore. Live streamers took over that role in the last couple of years. Actually most games I buy today is based on viewing it live streamed, not reading reviews and such.