PC Cutting Out On BF 4 using R9 290


New member
I bought an R9 290 this week and today ive really started to get to play with it properly. Twice today, when ive been playing BF 4 at 1080P all setting on ultra the Computer has just went black and turned off for no reason at all no warnings or nothing. The second time the boot screen came up and said "Overclocking failed! Please enter setup to re-configure your system" But im not overclocking at the moment. The cards been quite hot. Been up-to 80 degrees but ive read that this is usually the temps. i can smell a bit of a burning smell from the card when its running hot but im presuming that's because it is new? Its an Asus DC2 Version.

Specs are :

Asus M5A97 Pro Mobo
16GB 4 x 4GB G.SKills Ripjaws 1600Mhz
Power Cooler 650W PSU
Samsung 120GB SSD 850 EVO
2TB Segate 7200RPM HDD

Any ideas what might be causing this?

Replace that psu dude ASAP you don't want it frying your rig when it pops matey have a look on OCUK's site for the Superflower this month you buy a Gold rated PSU and they will give you a platinum one :)
Sounds decent. When I said turning off when playing I mean rebots.

That's because you rig is requiring more power than the PSU is delivering the only thing you can do is replace that PSU for it to run have a look at this video in the conclusion at 21:25 Tom actually says about the importance of a decent PSU and dont forget the R9 390 series is just a rebranded 290 personally I have the superflower leadex 750W but that's for overclocking headroom I would recommend you get a 650W psu to run your card at least https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RryaX3R9Vq0

Hope this helps you dude I can't stress enough about that PSU you have they have a really BAD reputation and if thats takes your mobo cpu gpu etc you won't have a leg to stand on warranty wise as its your PSU that's failed
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At least your PSU has over-power protection... Others tend to give you a short light-show followed by white smoke, fire molten PCBs and a dead computer....
Wraithguard can confirm this happens!!
So that actual power supply is under rated? I will order one on pay day haha
So any recommendations? Bearing in mind I will soon also be switching over to Intel with new motherboard and CPU so I want something good but not hundreds of pounds
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Well... a bad psu always kills your PC slowly if it doesn't at once...
That means a good PSU could give your components several years more of lifespan compared to a bad one
All PSUs are supposed to have overload protection. Sadly many don't.

I would wait though, at least in gaming...
I think I've been lucky because I only put the R9 290 in the other day and before that was a 6770 so the power has went way up so I guess it makes sense so I might have been lucky so far
So that actual power supply is under rated? I will order one on pay day haha
So any recommendations? Bearing in mind I will soon also be switching over to Intel with new motherboard and CPU so I want something good but not hundreds of pounds

What is your budget on a PSU matey so we can help you more :)
Aww that looks good man. I'm so colour OCD though. Most of my stuff is red haha. I was thinking I could maybe go blue. So maybe corsair HX series?