OC3D @ i55 with PCSpecialist - Day 1


News Guru
It is that time of year again, OC3D is at i55 with our friends over at PCSpecialist. Let's have a look around.


Read more on OC3D's Trip to iSeries.
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Thank you for the article, really need to find some spare time to come and see in person, hopefully next year !
'Sadly when we met with Cooler Master they still had a lot of setup to do'

sounds like their last case as well! Seriously though it's good they are still wanting to work with OC3D and not take their bat and ball and go home.

Much like NZXT came back after getting a caning on their H2 review it's good to see companies taking feedback and getting their act together. Even if it takes a couple of years.

So keen for a curved surround projector setup. That racing sim setup looks amazing!
That is cool :)
The projector rig looks really cool, but wonder what the resolution would be like, and frame rate could that cause any problems due to them being projectors?

Love that Decal on the window, very nice.