My skylake dual 980ti rig


New member
hi guys!

well this is my first build ever so i was thinking that i wanted to share it with u.

well i was running a older rig that i bougt second hand before the skylake became the nr 0ne in my life :D

the old one was a intel i5 4460 with a msi b85 m45 mobo with kingston 1600mhz ram and a coolermaster 500w psu with an msi gtx 770 2gb twinfrozen gpu in a cm storm trooper case.....

so the time came and i spent a lot of time checking out components and harassing a friend @olafthebeard hes so sick of me right now :D

so after a lot of time harassing him i bougt all the hardwhare for my new rig


cpu intel skylake i7 6700k
mobo Asus maximus VIII Hero
Ram corsair lpx 2666mhz ddr4 4*4gb kit
Gpu two Asus gtx 980ti strix dc3oc the second one was bought later.
Psu corsair RM1000x
Cpu cooler Corsair hydro 100i GT
M.2 sdd samsung 950 pro 256gb nvme ssd
hdd sdd samsung 850 evo 500gb
Case nzxt h440 new edition silent black/red

i also bought a new screen and mouse and keyboard plus a new gaming headset

acer predator 27" 1440p g sync screen
logitech g910 orin spark
logitech g502 proteus spectrum
steelseries siberia 800 wireless headset.

after the process of putting this beast togheter it looked like this exept the dual gpus.





then i came to the wise idea to go and by my self a second gpu just for the sake of having two .



but the happiness didnt stay for loong. frekvent hang on bios and boot and some other random issues i had to take the rig apart and send the mobo, ram and cpu to the retailer for testig and replacement of parts so i have not really came to enjoy the performance of my new rig or be able to enter the lands of overclocking yet... but soon i will have my baby back togheter and then i will adventure in to the land of oc :D:D

but before a finnish my first rig gallery post some updates for the rig so far is a new case... the h440 didint like the population of two gtx 980ti strix cards the heat was too mouch for the case to handle even with fans on max there was a high case temp, so i orderd a corsair carbide air 540 and 4 noiseblocker eloop fans and a Rog SLI brigde for the looks.

future plans for the rig.

cablemod sleved cables
led lightning
1-2 samsung ssds
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so the time came and i spent a lot of time checking out components an harassing a friend @haakanthebeard hes so sick of me now :D
..... "snip"
More correctly @OlafTheBeard.. You messed up with my IG name.. :iamwithstupid:

OHYES! you harassed me a lot with all this stuff and I did my very best to guide you right.

But sadly it looks like a motherboard issue and really hoping INET will fix this for you.. It's depressing to see you so sad over the problems with this build..
And keep in mind, when you get it back, we are going to do a "TTL-undervolt-overclock" on it, so the temps drops a bit. ^_^
Epic looking rig fella, very tidy and clean also huge thumbs up for the SLI config. It's a very bizzare thing, the H440 has a mad reputation for being bad at keeping the internals cool very much something we hear lots about.

You won't be disappointed with an Air 540 they are fabulous cases, also don't forget to update the thread when you make the change over.
More correctly @OlafTheBeard.. You messed up with my IG name.. :iamwithstupid:

OHYES! you harassed me a lot with all this stuff and I did my very best to guide you right.

But sadly it looks like a motherboard issue and really hoping INET will fix this for you.. It's depressing to see you so sad over the problems with this build..
And keep in mind, when you get it back, we are going to do a "TTL-undervolt-overclock" on it, so the temps drops a bit. ^_^

haha sorry mate! i fixed it :D

Epic looking rig fella, very tidy and clean also huge thumbs up for the SLI config. It's a very bizzare thing, the H440 has a mad reputation for being bad at keeping the internals cool very much something we hear lots about.

You won't be disappointed with an Air 540 they are fabulous cases, also don't forget to update the thread when you make the change over.

thanks when i built it, i got a bit ocd on cable managment, i wanted a tidy rig, nothing is as annoying than have to look at a rats nest of cables ...

the new air 540 is really a great case both in quality and size, the layout is great as well but the hotswap drive mounts is some thing i am going to try to hide or cover som how.....

as for the dual tis i wanted to go over the top with this one, just fore the fun of it, of course the second ti made my budget scream but with fire strike scores of 14829 it was worth it!

but with a decent oc on the cpu and then a manual overclock of the strix cards this rig is going to be a killer....
Great looking rig !

To finish it off nicely though you could opt for some braided cable extensions for your 24 pin, 8 pin EPU and PCI-E cables, Would be the icing on the cake :)
Great looking rig !

To finish it off nicely though you could opt for some braided cable extensions for your 24 pin, 8 pin EPU and PCI-E cables, Would be the icing on the cake :)

its on my to do list, been checking out cablemods and its on for red wite and black cables or red and white, the new case is black with white fan wings so im not really sure what to choose, but mabe u guys can help with it when the new rig update is posted :)

i am also going for some white led strips as well.
finally i got the mobo, cpu and ram back from the retailer, so after about 2 hours of putting the rig back togheter it looks a bit like this.

the updates to the rig is a new case for better thermal conditions due the the dual gpus... the h440 didnt like to house 2 980tis one was no problem but 2 ..... no no!

the new case the corsair carbide air 540 is so.... well quality, looks fininsh 10 out of 10.
i bougt another set of fans to noiseblocker eloop fans and i didint need the ROG sli brige but what the heck...:D











Looks awesome, To finish it off though I'd get some braided cable extensions for the 24 pin, 8 pin EPU and PCI-E, Especially for the PCI-E as it will make it look a humongous amount cleaner :)
:drool: Now that's what I call a tidy rig! Much love for the Air 540.

thnx! :) i have no regrets for the case change, its a dream to work in!

Nice rig there mate I do like the Air 540 :)

thnx man!

Looks awesome, To finish it off though I'd get some braided cable extensions for the 24 pin, 8 pin EPU and PCI-E, Especially for the PCI-E as it will make it look a humongous amount cleaner :)

thnx! braided cables are on the to do list. but i dont really know what colour im gonna choose for the cables...


all red or all black

or red/black and white....:huh:
Nice rig man, well done! ^_^

Those 980Ti's seem to have quite of bit of sag though, maybe you can level them by putting something under or so. It will look even better!
Top rig mate! How are the temps now? I'm thinking about a second 980ti but not sure how the temps would be.
Enjoy the rig! What games you been playing?
Top rig mate! How are the temps now? I'm thinking about a second 980ti but not sure how the temps would be.
Enjoy the rig! What games you been playing?

thanks mate! :)

the temps are great with the air 540, cpu 55 degrees and the gpus are running on 60 -86 on the top card and 50 - 78 on the bottom card .... it depends on how much oc im running on the cards.

well for now ive been playing the division, but tomb raider, farcry primal, the wicher, starcraft III and some other games.


Nice rig man, well done! ^_^

Those 980Ti's seem to have quite of bit of sag though, maybe you can level them by putting something under or so. It will look even better!

thanks! :)

well the top card is almost straight, but the bottom card is horrible, ive been thinking if its a rma question, even when i hold it in my hands and look at it its bent and almost twisted,
and its been like that since i build my first version of the rig, that card is the first one i bought, :huh:
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