Maximum GPU height for Corsair Carbide Air 240?


New member
Hi all,

Trying to find out if a MSI GTX980 Twin Frozr card will fit in the Air 240, the card height is given at 143mm but I remember TTL saying in his review that some of the bigger coolers just won't fit - is there a definitive answer on GPU height as info on t'intertubes is confusing.

Mucho scratchyarse!
Answered my own question thanks to a friend and a ruler! It's 130mm from base of PCIE connector to top of card, so I thought I'd put the answer in here in case anyone else needs to search for the info.
Yes, because 127mm is less than 130mm. Remember that includes the PCIE connector as well when measuring the card.
As a rule of thumb, reference design cards (those that are the same height as the PCIE bracket) will fit fine. If the cooler or PCB extends up past the PCIE bracket, you'll start to struggle.

Post a picture of your card and that should decide it.