Last bits are coming, anything you guys can think of?


New member
OK so on Wednesday I have my last Corsair AF140 Red LED fan to replace the rear exhaust fan in my Coolermaster Storm Trooper case so that every fan I have is emitting nice red lighting. I have also ordered one Corsair Neutron XT 240GB SSD to run as a secondary drive alongside my Samsung 850 Evo M.2 250GB 3D V-NAND SSD. I will be not using the SSD cage supplied with the case as I want to show off the Corsair Neutron XT SSD drive as its colours match that of my system (red & black), I will be using 3M double sided adhesive tape to attach the SSD (somewhere where I am yet to choose). Once this is fitted I will post some pictures of external shots, internal (both the action side and the messy cable management) and a few of my workspace. Once these bits arrive on Wednesday I believe the only thing I wish to purchase now is the new Razer Firefly mousemat :P

Is there anything that you guys can think of that could be a good addition to my system?

Main System
Coolermaster Storm Trooper Case
Corsair RM750W PSU
MSI Z97 Gaming 5 Motherboard
Intel i5 4690k Devils Canyon CPU
16GB (4x4GB) Corsair Vengeance Pro 1866MHz DDR3 Ram
2 x MSI Gaming 4G GTX970's
Samsung 850 Evo M.2 250GB 3D V-NAND SSD
Corsair Neutron XT 240GB SSD
Corsair H100i AIO CPU Water Cooler
NZXT Sleeved Red Internal LED Kit

AOC U2868PQU 28" 4K Monitor @ 60Hz (Displayport)
Toshiba 32" 1080P Television @ 60Hz (HDMI 2.0)

Razer DeathAdder 2014 Mouse
Razer Deathstalker Keyboard
Razer Kraken USB Headset
Excluding personal preference stuff (such as getting rid of razer stuff and red LED overload) you probably need to get more storage?
As barnsley said don't use the razer stuff and change the red led to a white led and put an ordinary hdd for storage and backup purposes
Personally, I'd get atleast a 1TB HDD for storage.
Again, like Excalabur50 and barnsley have said, maybe ditch the Razer bits and bobs, although this does come down to personal preference.
Like the above, ditch the Razer route and go for white led instead of red.

Seems like you guys are against red lighting and Razer lol

Also next time for gaming accessories what would you recommend? Corsair?

Also to "ditch" my Razer hardware would be like saying throw £200/300 on the floor and walk away.

I have a Corsair Neutron XT 240GB ordered and on its way as my secondary drive :)

Previously I had 1TB of storage split over two 500GB Samsung Spinpoint F3 mechanical drives and got rid after one 500GB drive failed.

Since having no mech drives in the machine it is a damn sight quieter and it is actually really nice not having any drives in there apart from the M.2

Once the Corsair SSD arrives I will fit it and will get some shots of the build. To be fair I know you guys keep going on about the red LED etc. but with an MSI Gaming 5 board, 2 MSI Gaming 4G and the CM ST case it was kind of the obvious colour combo to go for.
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Seems like you guys are against red lighting and Razer lol

Also next time for gaming accessories what would you recommend? Corsair?

Also to "ditch" my Razer hardware would be like saying throw £200/300 on the floor and walk away.

I have a Corsair Neutron XT 240GB ordered and on its way as my secondary drive :)

Previously I had 1TB of storage split over two 500GB Samsung Spinpoint F3 mechanical drives and got rid after one 500GB drive failed.

Since having no mech drives in the machine it is a damn sight quieter and it is actually really nice not having any drives in there apart from the M.2

Once the Corsair SSD arrives I will fit it and will get some shots of the build. To be fair I know you guys keep going on about the red LED etc. but with an MSI Gaming 5 board, 2 MSI Gaming 4G and the CM ST case it was kind of the obvious colour combo to go for.

Most people on this forum can't stand anything but White LED lighting, The biggest problem is with coloured LED lighting is it tends to bleach everything out where you don't have that problem with white light.

The reason why people dislike Razer is they don't make good products and there also over priced for what they are, there are so many better choices on the market.

That is not the Lights that is the colour of the products you brought.
Most people on this forum can't stand anything but White LED lighting, The biggest problem is with coloured LED lighting is it tends to bleach everything out where you don't have that problem with white light.

The reason why people dislike Razer is they don't make good products and there also over priced for what they are, there are so many better choices on the market.

That is not the Lights that is the colour of the products you brought.

What did you mean by this line:

"That is not the Lights that is the colour of the products you brought."
I'm talking about the colour of the products you brought they are red/black.

Even TTL himself says go with white LED lighting

OK I understand. Go with white lighting to light up the actual colour of your products.

Well. Yes I agree that does make sense, however:

1. The PC is in my bedroom and if had white LED lighting and it would be a bit much when chilling or trying to sleep.

2. I have a Samsung EVO M.2 in the motherboard and the PCB is sadly green and looks shit, so with the red LED "washout" as such, it hides the fact it is green quite well.

3. The case power buttons and fans all have red LED's so as I have ADHD and a bit OCD I would have to mod that if I went with any other colour.

4. I am sure there is a 4th, 5th and 6th reason but the last 3 are enough :)

*Currently sat here waiting for 9am to ring the delivery company to find out where the f*&k my Corsair Neutron XT is. As soon as it arrives I am fitting and getting some shots in the light and the dark from all angles for you guys to take a look at.
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1. The PC is in my bedroom and if had white LED lighting and it would be a bit much when chilling or trying to sleep.
* Turn of the PC then.

2. I have a Samsung EVO M.2 in the motherboard and the PCB is sadly green and looks shit, so with the red LED "washout" as such, it hides the fact it is green quite well.
*I would prefer a miniscule green pcb then my eyes bleeding from red washout

3. The case power buttons and fans all have red LED's so as I have ADHD and a bit OCD I would have to mod that if I went with any other colour.
* White lighting with small red accent lights should still look nice

4. I am sure there is a 4th, 5th and 6th reason but the last 3 are enough
* Red LED is too extreme for your setup. I think a Red cold cathode tube would give a softer red and probably look better, but CCTs never last long in my opinion and are a PITA to hide.
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1. The PC is in my bedroom and if had white LED lighting and it would be a bit much when chilling or trying to sleep.
* Turn of the PC then.

2. I have a Samsung EVO M.2 in the motherboard and the PCB is sadly green and looks shit, so with the red LED "washout" as such, it hides the fact it is green quite well.
*I would prefer a miniscule green pcb then my eyes bleeding from red washout

3. The case power buttons and fans all have red LED's so as I have ADHD and a bit OCD I would have to mod that if I went with any other colour.
* White lighting with small red accent lights should still look nice

4. I am sure there is a 4th, 5th and 6th reason but the last 3 are enough
* Red LED is too extreme for your setup. I think a Red cold cathode tube would give a softer red and probably look better, but CCTs never last long in my opinion and are a PITA to hide.


(God I need a better camera)

It is annoying as the camera seems to pick up far more red than the eye does.

(God I need a better camera)

It is annoying as the camera seems to pick up far more red than the eye does.

IMO it's too bleached out. The reason why you go with White LED lighting is to show the products off that you have brought, that is the problem there when you go with non white led's.
If your happy with it, it's all good were only passing on advice cause your asking for advice/tips.

TBH i find all coloured LED light too annoying but that is just me.

TBF I came looking for advice on my setup, yes, but lighting isn't exactly a priority.

I have three small PCI-e slots spare and a fair few SATA ports to play with.

I would also like to say I wouldn't even consider installing a water cooling loop in any of my own PC's as I upgrade GPU's too frequently.