Killing Floor 2 With Nvidia GameWorks


News Guru
Killing Floor 2 will be using Nvidia Graphics Technology with GameWorks.


Read more on Killing Floor 2 with Nvidia GameWorks here.
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Man i was hooked on killing floor 1, didnt even know this was in development, looks awesome and i hope it'll run great on AMD systems as well.

I really hope we get as good as a port as possible for all systems
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I don't understand all this "It's got Nvidia Gameworks, the game isn't going to work well on AMD cards"

All gameworks is, is a few extra graphical options and abit of a performance increase dependent on resolution and detail settings on Nvidia cards over AMD cards iirc.

It's pretty much just like AMD with Mantle but with extra stuff in it.
Nah that happened a long time ago, remember when their DLCs were always 75% off? these days they're always only 50% off, so no buy from me and lots of others I know.

You might wanna wait a bit their other game, Red Orchestra 2, was pretty messed up when it first came out.

I am not to worried about it. I have confidence that they will release a mostly playable game. So sad that today we can no longer expect a fully functional playable game.