Johny's Back!!


New member
I'm back!! :D After a spell out of it all I'm back playing again. I've been off doing a few things, trying to sort out my house, getting engaged and generally playing with myself a lot :p

Well since I jumped back on the public server the other week I've been bitten by the bug again lol so I'm back playing CSS now!

Dusted that mousemat down, stroked "My Preciousssss" Copperhead mouse and got back into it!

Not sure what the situation is with the clan atm lads, but if you need old Insy back to play any games, just let me know!

You're probably all amazing now though and will make me look pretty crap, but if I can be your "Rooney" again, that would be great :D :D :D :D

Whoo hoo!!


P.S. My avator is still bouncing away....isn't she lovely....mmmm jubblies!! :p
welcome back man, iv seen you play recently and, although youre not your old self, you still lay down some serious pwnage :ar: the clan has been fairly quiet till recently, one or two members have joined and left and there are two new members, me and ham. dav0s has been absent for a fair while so jiffz has been doing the organising. so yea....welcome back
Yeah I can't wait to get back into it again lads :D

My aim is getting there and I just need to get my sharpness back again. I've been missing a few shots recently that I'd normally make but give it a week or so and I'll be back on it :D

I'm feeling a lot better with my whole setup now, better sens, better overall layout on my desk, so I'm expecting to be back playing better than ever before! :D

Mmmmmm :yumyum:
welcome bk :)

what sorta times are you available these days then dude? u available most nights if we asked for you to play?

im up for as many pcw's as we can get while my comp still works whatever team we have. in fact, who is around wednesday night, jiffz can you sort something out?

im leaving general clan organisation to jiffz atm, although i have been calling tactics in the 3 games we have played. ill leave it u guys to decide whether u want me to carry on or not, im not bothered either way.

training sometime this week aswell? refresh train/prodigy tactics?
Nah I'm being serious Ham, not mocking buddy. My aim is off at the moment and I'm not hitting as quickly as I'd like, but it'll take a few weeks to get back to that level again :D

Dave, I'm gonna be on most nights mate with the exception of Saturday (all day) and Sunday afternoons (cos I go cycling). Sunday evenings is always good if I know we've got a game :)

Weekdays, well really anytime from 8:00pm onwards :)
Dav0s said:
welcome bk :)

what sorta times are you available these days then dude? u available most nights if we asked for you to play?

im up for as many pcw's as we can get while my comp still works whatever team we have. in fact, who is around wednesday night, jiffz can you sort something out?

im leaving general clan organisation to jiffz atm, although i have been calling tactics in the 3 games we have played. ill leave it u guys to decide whether u want me to carry on or not, im not bothered either way.

training sometime this week aswell? refresh train/prodigy tactics?

Ok I sorted a match against those stoners for later on today. So it's on our server at 9pm. Dust2 and cbble was agreed. They should be here this time :rolleyes:

I'm workin from 3-9 and won't be back till later on, I don't mind missing it ;). Davos you wana sort a team for this one? Could everyone post who can play in the other thread please? Stoner match thread

Davos I'm more than happy for you to call in match cuz I do like the way you think in match! And Hyper, if you are interested in joinin the clan come to trainings whenever organised and we'll see how you'd fit in. We would have 9 players if Hyper joins too :D, I better get some more matches planned!
Can't dude, I'm at work atm and I don't get fancy access like Jim lol.

Whats the prob dude? Drop me a msg back here or pm me :)

Cheers! :D