Is my PSU Enough to handle games?


New member
Its a Corsair 430 watt

Upgrade is
i7 4790k
Asus z97-A,
8gb ddr3 1800 ram 1x8
r7 260x
1 tb HD
120 gb samsung 850 evo ssd
Case is NZXT H440
Yeah, should be alright cause it's a relatively low-end GPU.

I know this is off-topic, but if it's for games, why are you getting an i7 and a low-end GPU? Why not an i5 (same performance for nearly all games) and spend the money you save on a better video card?

PS: 2x4GB RAM would be better than 1x8 as it'd allow for the RAM to run in dual channel and thus work faster.
Unbalanced rig is, well, unbalanced.

Your PSU may be enough but I would never, ever chance taking the risk. Why buy the cheapest PSU available? those Corsairs are cack.

I would strongly suggest buying something more robust that you can count on. Superflower seem to be very good lately, I would suggest 550-650w.
Unbalanced rig is, well, unbalanced.

Your PSU may be enough but I would never, ever chance taking the risk. Why buy the cheapest PSU available? those Corsairs are cack.

I would strongly suggest buying something more robust that you can count on. Superflower seem to be very good lately, I would suggest 550-650w.

The psu he choose is fine. I've used this range before on far more powerful rigs. It'll do fine. It's just not highly efficient as other higher rated ones. But that doesn't mean its shit.

OP: The rig you showed us the psu will do. It would be more wise to drop to an i5 if you only game and bump up the gpu and possibly still have a bit left over to upgrade to a slightly higher quality psu.
The psu he choose is fine. I've used this range before on far more powerful rigs. It'll do fine. It's just not highly efficient as other higher rated ones. But that doesn't mean its shit.

OP: The rig you showed us the psu will do. It would be more wise to drop to an i5 if you only game and bump up the gpu and possibly still have a bit left over to upgrade to a slightly higher quality psu.

It's a very cheap PSU with Corsair branding on it. A far cry from the old Seasonics.

The old ones used to be good for 500w or so, these barely deliver the rated power.

I mean £36. Says it all.

Whether it's enough or not? well it should be, but I wouldn't build an I7 rig and then go and buy the cheapest power supply on offer. What if he adds a GPU later? the 260x isn't up to much and will no doubt need replacing. As soon as you do you'll need a better PSU any way. I couldn't even get mine to run a 8800 GTX it just kept rebooting at POST.

Just because the CX series carry the Corsair branding does not mean they are good. Like most of Corsair's products now they are just cheap tat with the Corsair name on them.

But hey, ain't my rig so why should I care?
It's a very cheap PSU with Corsair branding on it. A far cry from the old Seasonics.

The old ones used to be good for 500w or so, these barely deliver the rated power.

While I personally wouldn't buy another CX, I've never had an issue with my cx 600m. The thing has never died despite at one point supporting a heavily overclocked 6350 (4.7@1.48v) with an overclocked 280X. I've had various problems with Corsair products and don't tend to buy them now but I can say for budget builds the CX series is ok. I mean, they're a bit pointless now you can buy a decent OEM psu for the same (e.g. EVGA's superflower rebrands or XFX's seasonic rebrands) but I wouldn't panic swap them out.
While I personally wouldn't buy another CX, I've never had an issue with my cx 600m. The thing has never died despite at one point supporting a heavily overclocked 6350 (4.7@1.48v) with an overclocked 280X. I've had various problems with Corsair products and don't tend to buy them now but I can say for budget builds the CX series is ok. I mean, they're a bit pointless now you can buy a decent OEM psu for the same (e.g. EVGA's superflower rebrands or XFX's seasonic rebrands) but I wouldn't panic swap them out.

They're not downright rotten but they really aren't great.

The higher powered ones are certainly much better but the 430 IMO is something for HTPC and the likes, not a gaming desktop. The earlier CX were excellent, but Corsair dropped Seasonic and dropped the price.

As I said though, not my rig so not my problem.
OP: What's your budget? We may be able to help sort out a more balanced rig if the PSU scares you off.
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Well well guys. OP did ask for advice, so if you have a serious problem with one of the recommended products then obviously you are free to say so, but then you CAN expect others to counter your arguments. That's how a forum works.

On topic; The CX(m) series are made by a company called Channel Well. They're not one of the top brands around, but they do the job and are usually pretty cheap. As mentioned though, if you can find an EVGA unit made by SuperFlower for a similar price - get that one. Otherwise the CX will serve you alright, but I would recommend a PSU upgrade at some point in the future, especially if you go the i5 + mid range GPU route as we suggested.
I jsut need to know if the 430 can power it up because ill get money soon and buy a 750 watt so dont worry :)

Hey fella - EVERYONE here is actually right and looking out for you in their own way - just theres a bit of bickering atm but generally the girls are off their periods in a week or so so it should all stop or Ill have to round shoving my foot up places to stop it all.

So. From someone with PSU testing experience.

The 430 will 'work' - but a PSU is like the heart of your system so if you have not got it already from an old rig I certainly wouldnt buy it new now.

Id personally say to you save a few quid and get the RM450 if you want a Corsair unit - Ive actually powered a 2011 rig with one that had a 780 Ti in it so youll be well set and in a much better place overall for future GPU upgrades.

Not everything with PSU's is about the wattage on the label and if you buy the right PSU you dont need to just say "750w"
the 430 is from a previous rig, and i will be getting the EVGA 750W fully mod unles you want to list some alternatives.

You dont need 750w really. 650w is plenty and as I said above I ran an overclocked 2011 rig on an RM450 fine.

You could run your rig on your 430w but an RM PSU would be a huge step up and probably scare you where the fan would hardly spin too :p