Is my 5820k good?


Well-known member
I just got 4.2ghz out of it @ 1.2v and Asus Realbench only hit 67c. Now remember, that's on a single thickness 120mm AIO akin to the H55.

I remember at 4.7ghz my 3970x would idle at 42c and hit 75c in Realbench on a H110

So that sounds awfully good to me unless I am wrong....
What memory you running dude? Ive found that the 5820K's only real downfall is it doesnt like BCLK.

Id deffo have a fiddle with that if youre feeling brave. Just keep an eye on the memory and be ready to change the divider
I've got two 4gb Samsung sticks and two Crucial (but identical timings and so on).

I can change the BCLK but that would be where it gets complicated.. I couldn't get the rig through Realbench at 4.6 so I have settled for 4.4 stable.
Problem is I really don't know what I'm doing, but I must say the MSI tools make it quite easy. Funnily enough it seems this whole PC was made by MSI. I took the side off to fit the Fury X and in the bottom of the PC is a big white label saying "Manufactured by Micro Star International" or something like that. The tools that come with the rig look like this...

And are part of the OS itself. It's all very slick and very polished..

I just ran through Asus Realbench at 4.4ghz (after failing at 4.6 @ 1.2v) and upped the voltage ever so slightly as you can see in the pic there (just over 1.2v) and it went through fine.

CPU hit 70c (nothing really for one of these) and it was very well behaved, though admittedly the CPU fan did spin up and become audible through the hard tests.

I really didn't expect anything out of this Alienware at all, so the fact it can clock with the rest is surprising to me :)