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I would love to see a Threadripper 1950x versus the Intel 7960x comparison. I really am leaning AMD as its $700 cheaper if the performance is there.
I honestly don't understand when the top end x299 processors only have 44 PCI/E lanes.
OK, those prices are insane. The Ryzen will be slower dude, BTW. Well, that's if the Intel is not telling fibs and actually boosts to those clocks on every core. Which I doubt. I would imagine the actual number is around 4ghz, so it could be close. You would need to overclock the Intel and risk fryin' tonite.
Either way I can absolutely guarantee to you right now that it ain't worth no $700 for what could equate to like 300mhz more clock speed.
$1699. LOL.
Yeah that's right. Doesn't it pick like the best cores or something like that?
Yeah that's right. Doesn't it pick like the best cores or something like that?
4Ghz for 16 cores is huge performance, especially at $1000. If motherboards came down in price, you could have an absolutely amazing machine. I feel like telling Intel to suck it for their horrendous business practises, but I know that's just silly.
7900x is not soldered lol. Found out yesterday.