Intel i3 6300T and 6320 Skylake Review


The Guvnor
Staff member

Fancy upgrading to Skylake but you're on a tight budget? Maybe the Intel Core i3's will be just the ticket.

Intel i3 6300T and 6320 Skylake Review
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What the actual F happened to Intel prices? An i3 for €170? That's not budget at all, it's literally cheaper to buy an 8320. Used to be able to buy an i5 for that money, but now these are all over €240 including 3 gen old chips like the 3570k, that used to be the price of a low end i7 a year ago.

At least £95 in the UK still seems more reasonable, but even there prices have inflated stupid amounts.
Could be something to do with value of the Euro maybe?

I'm guesstimating here, but for me, since the Norwegian Kroner has crashed so bad, things are getting even more pricey then before for us. Still not as expensive as the UK though.
The increase in price is definitely in the US too. All of the Skylake SKUs seem to be around a 17%-20% price increase compared to the equivalent CPU's of generations past.
Not a huge increase for the i3 chips but the i5 and i7 chips definitely push you back to 1150. Motherboards for 1150 seem to be the things in short supply now, most of the big E-tailers are giving big discounts on 4790k chips.
What the actual F happened to Intel prices? An i3 for €170? That's not budget at all, it's literally cheaper to buy an 8320. Used to be able to buy an i5 for that money, but now these are all over €240 including 3 gen old chips like the 3570k, that used to be the price of a low end i7 a year ago.

At least £95 in the UK still seems more reasonable, but even there prices have inflated stupid amounts.

And i think i'd still go for a i5 4460 and a £50 mobo over a new i3 tbh if i was tight on cash.
And i think i'd still go for a i5 4460 and a £50 mobo over a new i3 tbh if i was tight on cash.

Well, with an i3 being €170 over here and pairing that up with an average low end ish €70 board that's €240 just for a low end CPU and board.

You know what else I can get for that price? An 8320E with MSI 970 Gaming motherboard and a Hyper 212 Evo. Not a difficult choice at all then is it :lol:
Well, with an i3 being €170 over here and pairing that up with an average low end ish €70 board that's €240 just for a low end CPU and board.

You know what else I can get for that price? An 8320E with MSI 970 Gaming motherboard and a Hyper 212 Evo. Not a difficult choice at all then is it :lol:

i dont know about that i think i'd still have the i5 over a gimped 8320 for gameing tbh.

CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor (£139.00 @ Amazon UK)
Motherboard: Asus B85M-GAMER Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£68.08 @ More Computers)
Total: £207.08

CPU: AMD FX-8320E 3.2GHz 8-Core Processor (£100.23 @ Amazon UK)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (£24.98 @ Novatech)
Motherboard: MSI 970 GAMING ATX AM3+ Motherboard (£76.99 @ Novatech)
Total: £202.20

What the actual F happened to Intel prices? An i3 for €170? That's not budget at all, it's literally cheaper to buy an 8320. Used to be able to buy an i5 for that money, but now these are all over €240 including 3 gen old chips like the 3570k, that used to be the price of a low end i7 a year ago.

At least £95 in the UK still seems more reasonable, but even there prices have inflated stupid amounts.

Supply and demand dude. They get bought quicker than they are being made. 14nm ftw right?:p
Supply and demand dude. They get bought quicker than they are being made. 14nm ftw right?:p

Doesn't explain older generations also being massively more expensive now? I think it's just Intel getting greedy tbh :\ We need AMD to bring out Zen and hope it's good.
Suppliers are greedy too. 980, 970, and 980Ti were all introduced at one price, and that price has gone up for all of them. If they can get extra money for what they have, they will.
Doesn't explain older generations also being massively more expensive now? I think it's just Intel getting greedy tbh :\ We need AMD to bring out Zen and hope it's good.

I haven't noticed any price hikes on older gen in the States at least. That is interesting to say the least. It could be that the new stuff is so expensive that the demand for the older stuff is really high so prices go up(that is if they are still making them)? If they aren't making them, it could just be retailers trying to make more money since the PC demand is actually falling quickly and therefore less buyers, so by increasing the prices they can make up for it. While it's a valid business move on there part, it's actually not the smartest thing to do when your consumer base is starting to decrease in size and hiking prices is only going to accelerate that process. Or it could just be Intel trying to cover up some of there really high R&D on 14nm.